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Foreign This is melissia from melissia at home And I'm back with another video so this Is a treat for everyone I was just you Know thinking about the state of the Economy and the holiday season and of Course you know I'm a very frugal Individual always looking for ways to Save more money as much as possible as I Should be because I believe that we all Should be mindful of our money and how We spend our money even during the Holiday season because I know it can be Tempting and for some of us it's more Like a pressure to buy gifts and buy Items for our loved ones etc etc but we Also have to keep in mind that we have Long-term goals and that we should stick To our budget as much as possible and I'm sure everyone should be Understanding since that we are in the Season that we are in so I'm going to be Sharing with you four websites slash Apps that you can use and they will help You to save on your favorite stores that You like to shop at and give you cash Back so these are cash back websites That will help you to get money back for Your spending so cashback website is a Type of reward website that pays its Members a percentage of money earned When you purchase goods and services Okay through their website portal now These apps and websites are absolutely

Free there's no fees to join any of These sites or apps okay so we're going To jump into it I'm going to show you The first website that you definitely Want to use during your shopping okay Because I've been using this website for Years to do my shopping and what I love About them is that they offer you so Many different ways for you to earn Extra cash and I've earned gift cards For Walmart as well as Amazon when Situation arrives major events and Transitions that occurred in my life Swagbucks was there for me and I was Able to you know buy items on Amazon as Well as Walmart and save so much money Because I was such an active member on This website it is a great site because It offers you so many different venues To earning points for gift cards as well As to earn cash back okay I have my Account open On my screen right here this is my Account and this is basically what it Looks like when you sign up into their Portal okay so you can shop on Swag Box You can go to where it says shop and They have a countdown to Black Friday so You could click on that and it will show You all the stores that you can you know Shop Macy's Walmart eBay Best Buy Lowe's They have so many different stores in Order to earn these cash backs you would Have to be signed into Swagbucks while

You're shopping on these sites now these Are the feature stores that they have For Black Friday but they also have Other stores and again you can earn Points and rewards and those points can Be traded in for gift cards for Amazon Walmart and so on so definitely check Out Swagbucks there's so many different Things activities you could do on this Site you can you know play games watch Movies to earn points and all these Points once again adds up and you can Purchase and you can trade them in for a Gift card for like five dollar gift card Ten dollar gift card 30 up to two Hundred dollars worth of gift cards okay So it depends on how many points you Earn but the focus of this video is to Earn cash back so as you can see you Will see how much up to four percent Cash back if you shop Sam's Club Walmart Is one percent cash back free shipping Etc etc so Swagbucks is definitely a Site that I highly recommend it's for You to use during the holiday season to Do your shopping another site that I Want to share with you is top cash back Similar to Swagbucks I currently do not Have an account with this company Because I use Swagbucks as well as other Apps on my phone so I don't have room For too many cashback sites but top cash Back I've read really good reviews about This company get money back when you

Shop online free to join free to use so You're not losing anything earn over 400 A year when you shop for thousands of Top us Brands and they have you know Similar to Swagbucks they have Walmart On their site targets is on there I Believe all these different stores that You regularly shop they have on their Website and you just basically sign up Absolutely free and you will shop Through top cashback on these websites And earn cash back the next app I want To share with you is Ibotta viewable on Your screen I don't want to say the name Of it but you can see it because I might Pronounce it mispronounce it and then I'm going to have you know you grammar Police Comments on the video that's not how you Say it you're saying it incorrectly etc Etc so I do sometimes have my Jamaican Caribbean accent that may slip out when I'm pronouncing certain names for come Companies So I may pronounce it differently than You guys do okay but this is another Cash back website it's gotten really Good reviews it's very popular and you Can easily earn cash back everywhere you Shop make it easy fast and safe to save Big they also have their hack the Holidays enjoy the season with big deals And big fun however you choose to Celebrate and Shop start here before you

Shop the holidays get cash back and you Can see the different Um options here so they have their Black Friday blackout this whole week for Black Friday deals November 21st to the 26th okay and then they have their Cyber Monday then they have cyber week holiday Essentials this is the season and the Time and I am here to help you all out By sharing these websites okay so I Highly recommend that you utilize these Sites all right so you get 15 when you Spend 50 dollars shop participating Online retailers now and basically That's how it works okay very similar to The Past sites that I shared with you You can go ahead and read some more Information about the site click click Easy cash back online it's just Repetitive all right I don't want to Keep repeating myself but that's Basically you know this website and this Company great company definitely check Them out the next One is racketon So rocketson is a popular you may have Heard of this site Um they're popular they've been around For a very long time and they are great Sites to earn cashback and rewards stack Holiday savings on top of cash back join Now get cash back at 3 500 Plus stores Okay save on gifts for everyone Including yourself

So I highly recommend racketson I've Read rave reviews about you know people Who have used rocket10 and have saved so Much by by being a member and using Their platform to shop at stores like Kohl's Old Navy Sam's Club Ulta beauty Lowe's Walmart Target and so much more Okay get paid for shopping at all your Favorite stores sound too good to be True here's the deal stores pay them a Commission for sending you their way and That's basically how majority of these Websites work okay so that's how they Earn money so that's why it's free to You because they're like an affiliate so Whenever they send Shoppers to their to These name brand stores namely you guys They get paid from these stores and you Get the benefit of saving money and Getting cash backs all right so you just Join free accounts in less than 30 Seconds very easy and fast to sign up Start shopping on racketson the Racketson app or extension get paid Watch your cash back balance grow then Get paid via check or PayPal so most of These companies May pay you via PayPal Or check okay so this is racketon and if You're interested you can sign up at Rockets and I highly recommend racketson All right so the next thing I want to Mention is gas right what's up to gas Prices I don't think it's too bad right Now but there are apps for you to save

On gas as well upside is a very popular One there's another one called GasBuddy I believe but a lot of people use upside Including myself I have their app Currently on my phone and you will earn Cash back for you know filling up your Tank so their app users earn cash back Wow the businesses earn proven profit And communities Thrive so it's the same Model OKAY the companies will pay upside For sending them you know users such as Yourself and you benefit by getting cash Back so they work with big Brands and Local favorites app users can earn cash Back at more than 50 000 locations Nationwide and these are the brands that They work with they have BP shell Denny's Arby's you can save money on These restaurants cash back okay so it's An awesome app definitely an app you Should have on your phone okay everyone Should have this app on their phone so Check the link in the description Section for all these amazing apps and Websites I share with you in this video And make sure you save on your shopping Spree thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time happy work From home

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