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[Music] Foreign [Music] Hi everybody welcome back I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and I'm back with another job for You guys and this one is coming from the Company billion to one and we have a Great paying job today and we're going To be talking about the clinical Research manager okay so you already Know let's get straight into the details This job is going to involve you Supporting policies and procedures that Enhance the provision of quality And Timely clinical research we'll work with Cross-functional teams with oversight to Conduct clinical studies and data Quality assessments including Operational feasibility data management Deliverables preparation of meeting Materials communication plans protocol Amendments protocol deviations safety And medical monitoring preparation of Status update reports and study closeout Activities you will participate in the Development of protocols clinical study Reports training documents study tools Informed consent and investigator Brochures under the direction of the Clinical research need and you're going To also provide analytical support of Clinical data including Gathering Analyzing reviewing interpreting and

Preparing preliminary assessments and Recommendations to clinical research Lead you will contribute to clinical Site interactions including assistance With IRB applications contract Negotiations enrollment tracking Clinical research material and clinical Supply requests and you will participate In study data review and communicate a Clear overview of clinical research Results you'll participate in Interactions with internal and external Stakeholders and participate in the Design and development of automated data Collection processes you'll also develop Complex literature reviews as needed and Prepare and present scientific material For conference presentations or Publications so you will need to have a Ba or BS degree with at least five years Of clinical research experience or an Advanced degree with at least two years Of clinical research experience Advanced Experience and Analysis and Interpretation of clinical data ability To handle multiple projects at a time Ability to make independent decisions And excellent oral and written Communication skills a high level of Organization and also have flexibility And it would be nice if you were fluent In Spanish and had Proficiency in our Statistical programming familiarity with Salesforce Tableau notion and Red Cap

You will get benefits with this job they Have tons of benefits and this job is Going to pay between 120k and 160k per Year you also have a very quick Application with this job so of course If you're interested in applying check Out the link in the description bar you Guys know that I wish you the best of Luck make sure to leave any questions or Comments below and as usual I thank you Guys so much for watching and I'll see You in my next video

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