$24 Hour NON-PHONE Work From Home Job With FLEXIBLE HOURS & No Degree Needed | USA & UK

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I have Another non-phone work from home job Lead for you this one came from the Comments somebody commented that they Wanted to see more executive assistant Administrative Assistant positions so if This job is not for you that is okay Please feel free to leave in the Comments anything specific that you are Looking for because I am reading those Even if I don't respond to every single One and I'm keeping that in mind when I Am searching for job leads to share but With that being said today's job lead is From the company boldly and they are Hiring an executive assistant and now This is remote for the United States and For the United Kingdom but boldly Works Alongside established Fortune 500 Companies so they have a senior level Executives and business owners of all Sizes that need assistance so they're Hiring someone to do a wide range of Tasks including maintaining a Appointment schedules and calendars Planning and scheduling meetings Conferences and travel for those Executives making travel Arrangements Including booking flights and hotels Maximizing the executive's time by Reading research and routing their email Correspondence drafting letters and Documents all of that things sometimes

You will initiate phone calls on their Behalf you will manage their meme email You will create PowerPoint presentations You'll manage expenses and expense Reports and of course you'll provide Customer and supplier support when Needed now they are not requiring any Kind of college degree but they do want Someone who is quite a bit experienced They're looking for a minimum of seven Years of experience as an executive Assistant or some kind of a senior Administrative Assistant a minimum of Four years of experience doing a Calendar management including Coordinating meetings or appointments Someone who can multitask have great Time management skills someone who's Excellent inter personal communication Skills some of those great writing Skills and can be very organized now one Thing to note pay is different depending On what country you live in they start The pay at 24 an hour in the United States and 18 pounds in the United Kingdom they say they do give regular Pay raises they also offer in benefits Including a paid time off and 401K with An employer match and they do say that They offer flexible working hours you Can work part-time or full-time and they Do have a paid onboarding so you do get Paid training all right if you've made It to the end of this video I want to

Say thank you so so much for watching And supporting me as always sharing is Caring so if you find this video helpful Or any of the other job leads that I Share helpful please like this video and Share with your friends and family so we Can all live a healthiest happiest life Working from home and I'll be back Really really soon with more work from Home job leads just for you

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