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Happy Sunday YouTube family I am back With another work from home job this Company they will train you you can make 768 dollars per week and we're gonna go Ahead and dive right into the job we're Talking about the company They're currently seeking remote account Settlement reconcile Associates to work From home then when you scroll down the Pay is 19.20 an hour great benefits and Incentive paid training as you can see This company will train you and Basically Um what in this role you will support The account function of their external Clients including being accountable for The balance and settle of all clients Benefits funds entered and exit the System okay now they also want you to be Able to use Excel different Um Office suites like Excel Microsoft Outlook there is a free place where you Can go on called Microsoft 365 where They go over Outlook OneDrive word excel PowerPoint OneNote SharePoint Microsoft Teams and assets so if this is something That you are lacking and you don't Understand then I suggest you to go to Microsoft 365. once you click on it There is a video explaining different Things to get you to the next level okay Now also Um when you go here it's talking about

Reconcile if you don't know how to use Excel to balance bank statements Reconciling balance daily settlements Here is a place where you can go on to Understanding what Go Walks you through There's different steps that show you How to do this in Excel they have plenty Of videos out there if you type in that Information you can also watch on the Videos too but this is what you're going To be doing on the job if you know how To do this you're going to do awesome so Make sure you go ahead and check that Out again this is a full-time job the Work schedule varies from Mondays Through Friday from 8 A.M to 5 p.m our Weekends is off they want you to be able To navigate multiple applications and Research solution with ease and then to Give you information about condience They deliver business process Outsourcing BPO solutions that eggnog Efficient savings and revenue growth Across the world so we're going to go in A more a little bit deeper about the job Here you're going to be able to Determine cause and appropriate courses A course of action to recover negative Amounts you need clear and effective Communication skills both reading and Writing and all other tasks are a sign Now this coming do offer career growth Opportunities full benefits options and A great work environment here and then

People who succeed in this role have Strong commitment the work ethic Outstanding attendance problem solving Skills Accounting knowledge and expertise and Strong reconcile background and this job Only requires a high school diploma or GED previous experience of payment Service prepaid cards banking our bank Office Accounting is highly desirable Again two years of accounting experience And you must be able to successfully Pass a background and credit check and Also you must have a high-speed internet Connection if this sounds like something That you're able to do make sure you go Ahead and apply now they do have a state High restriction listed you must be Living in these states in order to be Eligible to apply for the job okay now If this is something that you want to do Then don't sit on it go ahead and apply Today by clicking here where it says Apply these type of jobs do not last That long okay so I just want to leave Some encouragement words with you is Don't disqualify yourself before you Apply for these jobs let the company do It Um there's tons of jobs that I have Applied for years and years ago and Every time when I apply always Constantly get rejection rejection after Rejection I mean I applied for 100 jobs

And believe it or not on all the 100 Jobs I receive rejection and one day my Hiring manager sat me down and said look You seem like you're a hard-working Person I want to look at your resume so He looked at my resume and he said okay I see what you're doing on your resume You're not taking the keywords from the Job post and implemented in your resume You know because he was saying that the Resume has to go through an applicant Tracking system and I was like okay you Know at that time I didn't know what an Advocate tracking system was so he Walked me through on what I need to do So I figured out so on the next job I Had the resume tailored to each job that I was applying for I kid you not I had Like that that fall one week I had like 30 calls I wanted to set up for an Interview for a job just tweaking and Changing things and that's what you have To do if you are constantly applying for Jobs and you're not getting a job make For sure that your resume is tailored to Each job that you're applying for Because if you don't have those keywords Then it's not going to make it through The applicant tracking system all you do Is take the keywords from the job post And implement it into your resume and That is how your resume passed Africa Track system as well as if you've done All of that I reached out to hire

Manager and say well what is another Reason why you're not hiring people if It's not the resume they look at your Social media platform so you have to be Very careful about what you're posting On social media you know a lot of people When they get on social media they want To post their house they want to post You know pictures of when they go on Vacation and believe it or not you have Co-workers that see all of that and they Go and you know tell on you and show That to your boss and a lot of people Get fired because of what they post on Social media platform Um I feel and a lot of people may not Feel the way I feel I feel that you know Posting pictures of your house whether If you get a new house a new car you had Some remodeling on your house I think That's something that you should keep to Yourself because everybody is not happy For you you know some people say well Okay if she can afford this house or he Can afford this house and car then they Don't need this job and they will make Up excuses to keep you know from you Having a job and then also if they see Things like when Um hiring manager is really wanting to Hire you they will go on different Social media platforms and if they see That you're not doing what their company Values they will not hire you so if

You're going to have a social media Platform make sure you have a personal And business because a lot of people Um they're saying that they cannot get a Job but when you go to their social Media media platform they're posting Things or taking pictures in a way that Doesn't represent the company and I'm Just telling you from a hire manager Point of view when I reached out to him And just want to know why a lot of People are not getting jobs and that is One of the reasons that's the one of Many reasons why a lot of people are not Getting a job is the social media Present so make for sure that Whatever you posted on social media Platforms is it will be fine for a hire Manager recruiter to look at and still Hire you okay and again you got to keep Pushing you got to keep applying don't Give up there is a job out there with Your name on it but you gotta believe if You don't believe that nobody else will So go out there today and grab what is Yours again you know keep pushing you Got this I believe in you go out there And apply today for these jobs okay now You know that I always talk about having A multiple strains of income I believe In eight multiple strains of income and Bookboat is a very easy platform to get Out there and start making Craig look Create low content books as well as

Making anywhere between a thousand to Ten thousand eight months creating Um these books but again you have to put In the work will come easy won't last And what um last won't come easy and for Those who don't know what low content Books you know we you saw it you know Flashing on the screen a few minutes ago But low content books are journals law Books Diaries coloring books coloring Pages there are so many to name you just Have to do your research and you will See a whole bunch of independent Um books that that are called Low Content books that will appear the great Thing about this platform is not only Can you you can always research the Product before you actually make it to See if it's selling that is a good thing Then you can also spy on your Competitors see what kind of keywords That they're using and you can implement It in your titles and descriptions not To copy but to be expired and then when You go down a little bit further Bookboat has upgraded they have a new Studio with cover creators interior Designs drag and drop editors complete Customization over a thousand two Hundred plus free fonts and more than One million royalties free image and Pattern scalables designs filter and Much more and yes people buy these books Every single day you can make puzzle

Books activity books coloring books 100 Of low content Interiors where you can Mix and match Interiors to create unique Books for your audience and it is You can work anywhere in the world you Could be in the United States you can be Out of the United States Um this is a great opportunity for you Now anytime when you're talking about a Business there is a pricing and I Believe it's very affordable you have Two pricing 9.99 per month for newbie in 1999 for pro now the only difference is With the pro you're getting the puzzle Creation software included but if you Use my coupon code which is the rest of Sweat all in lower case you'll receive 20 off the 9.99 per month or as as well As the 1999 per month you receive 20 off Of that and that is Lifetime you can Also try this out for three days for Free and see if you like it I guarantee You're gonna like it and this is a great Opportunity when you go to Resource and You can go to Interior wizard you do not Have to make the interior for you the Interior is already made for you so you Can pick and you know mix and match Whatever you want to go in your low Content book I'm not able to do my uh Coverings I pay somebody on Fiverr to do It for me but you can choose paperback Or you can choose hardcover or you can Do both but normally mine is paperback

Eight by five eleven I choose 120 pages I look at my competitors if they are Um selling a book for uh with a hundred Page I do 120 and then I just go through Here and I just choose what I want safe Example for the sake of the video I'm Gonna choose this monthly to-do list and I hit download this is the Interior Right here this is the Interior right Here that I would actually download to Amazon kdb and start making sales I'll Put more you know Interiors often there So it can sell but this is how easy it Is this is a way of making multiple Strings the mcom like I always say you Have to have a backup plan don't wait Until you lose your job and then you're Trying to start but it takes time for Book boat yes you have to put in the Work anything that you do to receive Results you've got to put in the work Okay so you know make for sure that you Go ahead and check this out Um you know they do have webinars on Tuesdays and Thursday where you can go And chat with um The owner of Book boat you know whatever Courses that you have you can do that Um they have a lot of going on they have The category founder Um there is so much that you can do Um with uh bookboat so go ahead and Check it out today I'm going to get your Side hustle or business opportunity on a

Date because remember you know these Jobs these days it's great to have a job But again they're not promised they can Let you go at any time so you don't you Do definitely want to have a backup plan Just in case there's something to go Down so make sure you go ahead and check This out the information is in my YouTube description bar and remember Make sure that you're watching the Videos all the way through because there Are valuable information all of my Videos to help you get closer to Landing Your first second third job even a side Hustle this channel is all about Non-phone work at home job leads they go Out every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard Time consider subscribing to The channel by clicking that red button And don't forget to click on the Bell to Turn on all notifications so every time When I upload new videos you will be Notified and that will give you plenty Of opportunities to go ahead and Um apply for these jobs before they're No longer available make sure that you Check out the community tab that is Where I engage with you when I upload New videos Um I post it in there when I do post When I go YouTube live Um the other day Friday December 2nd 2022 at seven o'clock P.M Citrus Standard time I did go live

Um but I don't know why it did uh pull YouTube into the live stream Um somebody told me on the after fact When I update you know the YouTube live Had ended but it is the live stream is On um the channel here but however when I did went live it did not pull YouTube Into the live stream so I do apologize For that I don't know if something went Wrong with the software but you can Always go and check out that video this Video is right here where I went live With Deborah Swisher on Friday December 2nd 2022 at seven o'clock P.M so make Sure you go ahead and check that video Out again you know remember Keep pushing keep applying don't give up There is a job out there with your name On it but it starts with you you have to Have the will in mind a willing heart a Willing spirit and you will find what You seek and real soon thank you so much For watching and I will see you in the Next video

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