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Hey everyone it's Suzanne happy Thursday Today I have an order entry specialist With the company Circa lighting now in This job you're going to process orders From the comfort of your home it's a Fully remote position and the estimated Salary is up to 37 dollars per year According to indeed so what you will be Doing accurately review and process Approximately 100 web orders daily so These are going to be orders that are Coming through the internet you're going To ensure expedited orders are reviewed And submitted by the cutoff day manage Follow-up on 75 to 100 open each day for Domestic and international customers Generate FedEx return labels for 25 to 30 product returns each day display Professional workplace Behavior with all Levels of leadership now your workplace Is going to be in your home but they Just want to make sure that you're going To be professional so the minimum Qualifications they would like you to Have a high school School degree of Course and if you do have a two or four Year college degree that is preferred You'll probably get a little bump up in The hiring process so make sure you have That on your resume one to three years Of previous job experience and data Entry strong aptitude and comfort Navigating across multiple systems Excellent communication ability to enter

Data exceptional organizational skills Ability to prioritize demonstrate Maturity and judgment ability to work Independently achieve results both Independently and through others by Fostering a spirit of teamwork ability To effectively prioritize and execute Tasks in a high pressure environment so They're going to give you competitive Salary structured training program so Probably very little experience is Required they're going to do most of the Training 100 percent benefits Vision Dental 401 of course all the usual Things that you get the benefits all Right if you're interested in this Position I'm going to go ahead and put The instructions to apply down in the Description and I'll see you all in my Next video

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