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What's up two chicks fam happy Wednesday Evening it's me Carl I am back with a Quick little video this is a part-time Customer service work from home job but Before I get into it now I know some People here are looking for those Non-phone jobs be sure to check them out Over on the non blog We are getting ready to come on this Live stream so let us know in the Comments guys should we talk about the No degree jobs or should we do the skip The interview we want to hear from you Guys be sure to smash the red subscribe Button turn on that Bell notification Make sure you guys thumbs up these Videos share invite your people to the Live stream be sure to leave us a Comment because we are giving away 10 Brand new laptop computers absolutely Free don't forget to go back check out All the videos that we posted on the Channel today be sure to hop over here To the two chicks blog look under the Spotlight job section make sure you Apply for Telus and Omni and don't Forget to sign up for Branded surveys The the link is in the comments let's Get into the video so the company is Called Swim Outlets they are looking to Hire seasonal part-time customer service Reps so let's jump in now about this Role the company is spiral ledge they're Hiring remote agents to work from home

And I I think they are partnered with Swim Outlets so you will be taking the Calls for a swim Outlet this is a Customer service rep position You will respond accurately and Efficiently to our customer needs Regarding products and Order inquiries Via the phone email and live chat the Ideal candidate has excellent Communication skills genuine empathy and The ability to represent our brand with Pride reps are expected to adapt to Changes contribute to improving the Overall site experience and follow Through on resolving customer issues With good judgment and a sense of Urgency now these are some things that You guys will be will do Maintain high levels of customer service Research required information using Available resources manage and resolve Customer complaints provide customers With product and service info process Orders resolve issues according to Procedure identify and escalate priority Issues and Route calls to appropriate Resources document all call info According to standard operating Procedures maintain a positive work Atmosphere that strengthens the team now What I like about this company guys it Says all training and shifts are Completed from the comfort of your home And applicants can reside anywhere in

The U.S they also guys will provide Equipment required equipment provided The position is hourly pay so that is a Fantastic thing part-time can live Anywhere and they're going to give you Guys the equipment so how cool is that So this one is posted on the two chicks Blog I will be sure to leave a link Right below the video in the description Box so you guys can apply hurry up and Apply for this one sounds like a great Company to work for however since I or Tangy neither one of us work for the Company guys please be sure to go over To Google and type in Spyro ledge or Type in see what comes up just in Case you guys get an interview you want To be prepared or not surprised make Sure you share the awesome video with Your friends family members put it on Your social media platforms be sure to Come back and leave us that comment so That we can put your name on our Giveaway list and it is very very long Make sure you guys hop over to Facebook Join the group is that cubicle goodbye Follow us guys on Tick Tock Twitter Instagram two chicks with the side Hustle don't forget to follow us on our Facebook business page it is also two Chicks with the side hustle we're giving Away two laptops over on that platform So make sure you guys follow us make

Sure you share the information posted my Name is Carl I'll catch you guys on the Live stream bye Bye YouTube

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