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Hey everyone it's Suzanne happy Tuesday Today I have a quality assurance analyst Position that's fully remote with Through the company contact us this may Be a recruiting company but they are Recruiting for a quality assurance Analyst and what you do in this position Is you are going to be primarily Listening to phone calls that are Incoming you're going to be listening to The agents who are talking to the Customers and making sure that they're Following the policies and procedures And just make sure that the overall call Quality is good now in this position Estimated salary is about 53 000 per Year Max and that's a little bit over a Thousand dollars a week which is pretty Good now as a customer service quality Assurance analyst your goal will be to Maintain a high and consistent level of Support quality across the team it is Your responsibility that regardless of The agent approach or the support Channel used because customers always Get similarly excellent treatment so Your main responsibilities are going to Be to maintain and develop internal Support and call center quality Standards review a subset of support Agents conversations which includes Their calls you're going to review their Emails their online chat and you're Going to assess support interactions

Based on internal standards accompany Evaluations with meaningful and Constructive feedback discuss and Explain feedback with the agents create Strategies to improve and support the Key performance indicators those are Basically the targets they're trying to Reach in terms of customer satisfaction Help agents improve their performance With Specific Instructions map the need For training and onboarding programs and Initiate these projects monitor customer Service performance on the agent and Team level create reports That reflects support performance report Support teams performance to direct Supervisor participate in calibration Sessions to maintain consistency in Internal evaluations and contribute to The team culture in a positive manner so Additional requirements they'd like to Have some customer service experience a Proven track record hands-on experience In quality assurance so they'd like you To have some experience in quality Assurance great people skills ability to Give feedback and you would want to be Able to be comfortable giving feedback Because sometimes you'll have to give Negative feedback good organizational Skills examples of data visualization Abilities perception of basic business Metrics alright so if this job sounds Interesting to you you're not going to

Be talking on the phone to customers at All you're going to be mainly just Listening in on calls and then giving Feedback on those calls so if you're Interested I'm going to go ahead and put That link Down Below in the description And I will be back with another remote Job lead in just a bit

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