Answer Emails From Anywhere Non Phone Work From Home Job |$600 A Week |Part Time Work At Home Job

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What's up two chicks fam happy Tuesday It's me Carl I am back with a high Paying part-time non-phone work from Home job but before I jump into the Awesome video if you are new to the Channel welcome make sure you subscribe Like and share because on this channel Guys we give away laptops and we are Giving away 10 more brand new laptop Computers and they are absolutely free So make sure you take the video share The video tell a friend go spread the Word come back leave us a comment don't Forget to check out the video that I Posted on the channel earlier today Starbucks is hiring guys this is a Non-phone opportunity for someone make Sure you guys look at the video and Share the video also hop over to the two Chicks blog look under the spotlight job Section Omni interaction still needs People for their income tax clients so Make sure you guys hop over there they Will give anybody a chance they are Beginner friendly let us know in the Comments what type of work from home job Or side hustle you guys are looking for Be sure to sign up for Branded surveys We got some people here making 15 to 50 Dollars in a day the link is down below In the comment section let's get into The video so the company is called break Dance this is a part-time customer Support rep position working from home

It says here guys thirty dollars per Hour 20 hours a week with the Possibility of more hours in the future But you will start off with 20. now what I like about this company the team is 100 remote and they have team members in Australia the U.S Canada Thailand Germany and the list goes on and on it Does not matter where you live or what Time zone that you're in so for those of You that live in California New York Illinois Ohio Connecticut New Jersey Those hard to find work from home States You guys can apply for this job it says Your main responsibility will be to Reply to customers asking for help with Breakdance you need to love to help Others and be able to keep it friendly Even when dealing with difficult Customers you need to enjoy the whole Process of turning anxious confused or Angry customers into Happy ones you must Be an excellent writer we want our Support replies to be friendly easy to Understand and also concise now this is Another great thing about this company That I that I was reading on the website That I love the flexibility guys with This company it says that flexibility That it means that you can work in the Mornings the evenings the afternoons the Middle of the night late night late Night early early morning however you Want to do it if you want to take off

For two weeks and go on a trip it means That you can do that it means that you Can also wake up and decide that hey I Don't feel like working today and you Can take the day off without telling Anyone now you know most of these these Companies they don't allow that you have To tell your supervisor or your manager With this company guys they don't care They really really literally don't care So the responsibilities you are Responding to customer support inquiries Via email adding to and improving our Documentation aggregating the customer Feedback and assisting us with Development product roadmap decisions Writing concise book reports based on Support tickets that are a result of Bugs and breakdance testing development Versions of break dance requirements the Only thing we care about is the ability To provide high quality customer support To our clients the more of these boxes That you can tick the better in Descending order of importance so guys Again the company is break dance this is An awesome company I think to work for Because they do offer that flexibility And you can literally work whenever Without telling anyone they are hiring For their customers support rep position This is a part-time work from home job You can live anywhere in the world Basically because they did stay anywhere

Thirty dollars an hour 20 hours a week That is equivalent to 600 a week and Some people guys are making 600 working A full-time job this is a part-time job And then it is non-phone where you are Sending emails you're responding via Email to their clients super easy job Make sure you guys share the video make Sure you go over to Google type in Breakdance see what comes up jot down The information because you want to be Prepared for the interview and not Surprised so make sure you jot down some Information about the company just in Case they ask what do you know about Break dance and you're going to be Prepared because you listen to the video You heard what I suggested and you took It and you ran with it again make sure You share because sharing is caring We're giving away 10 more brand new Laptop computers and they are free free Free free make sure you guys hop on over To Facebook join we got another giveaway Going on on Facebook guys we got two so The Facebook group is kiss that cubicle Goodbye we're going to give away Something when we reach 250 000 members also guys we have a Facebook Business page it is two chicks with a Side hustle make sure you come on over There follow us tag a friend share the Post however you guys want to do it you Can create a real put us in the real

However you want to do it just make sure You share because we're giving away two Additional laptops on that platform and Then we have Instagram so on Instagram We are trying to get to ten thousand Followers on Instagram and we are almost There so make sure you guys hop on over To Instagram and share share share Create a real Creator put us in your Stories however you guys want to do a Tag a friend tell a friend share the Post guys and once we reach ten thousand We're gonna give something away now we Did a pop-up giveaway a week or so ago On the channel where we gave away two Hundred dollars worth of gift cards so You could be the next winner just share It go tell a friend about what we do on These platforms my name is Carl and I Will catch you wonderful lovely amazing People on the next video bye Bye YouTube

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