Breast Cancer Help Line Hiring! Make Up To $4500 A Month | Live Anywhere USA | Work From Home Job

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What's up two chicks fam TGIF I hope you Guys had a good Thanksgiving it is me Carl I am back with another work from Home video but before I get into it now If you are looking for those non-phone Jobs be sure to check them out on the Non blog make sure You guys smash that red subscribe button Turn on that Bell notification thumbs up These videos and make sure you share on This channel guys we do real giveaways And we are giving away 10 brand new Laptop computers they are absolutely Free to you guys just make sure you take The video share them invite your people Over here to the channel go spread the Word come back leave us a comment now I Did drop a non-phone payment posting job On the channel today make sure you guys Check out that video and make sure you Share it and then you want to hop over Here to the two chicks blog look under The spotlight job section and be sure Guys to apply for Omni enter actions This is a beginner friendly weekly pay You can pick and choose your own hours And skip the interview as well so make Sure you check out Omni and also guys Don't forget to sign up for Branded Surveys the link is down below in the Comment section and please let us know What type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for let's Get into the video so the company guys

This is the Susan G Komen company and They are looking to feel their Specialist Breast Care helpline and I Think everybody should know about this Company if you don't be sure to do some Research on them so this it says here That this is 100 virtual working Environment and you can work anywhere Within the US so guys if you're Listening to the video you live in California New York New Jersey these are Some of the hard to find work from home States you guys can apply for this one It says the Coleman Breast Care helpline I'm race Monday through Friday from 9 A.M to 10 p.m with Services provided in Both English and Spanish the Specialists Will provide coverage typically three Days from nine to five PM Eastern in two Days from 1 pm to 10 p.m these hours may Be may be modified in the future based On capacity and On Demand so it sounds Like this might be a part-time work from Home job that's what it sounds like it Says here that um using a social work Model The Specialist Breast Care Helpline they provide high quality Social socio-social support Education on a variety of breast cancer Topics and information on resources via Phone calls emails chat texts to anyone With questions or concerns about breast Cancer including patients survivors and Their families so if you're someone that

Is want to be helpful you want to find Like different Avenues and resources for People this could be a great position For you so let's scroll on down so we Already know that you will have a Minimum of two years experience in Counseling oncology Social Work case Management or resource navigation Ideally in a call center environment a Clear and distinct speaking voice Accompanied with excellent oral and Written personal communication and Customer service skills demonstrating Cultural awareness and sensitivity Ability to actively listen demonstrate Empathy establish Rapport and to gather Organize compile present information Effectively through a variety of mediums Now down here guys it's a that the Salary is 45 to 55 000 a year which is a Great thing they do offer Health dental Vision and retirement plans also Generates paid time off plan as well I Do see flexible work arrangement in a Fully remote working environment Bi-weekly work from home stipend so you Will get paid every two weeks for this One I believe and then they're giving You a stipend so that's good as well Parental leave which is great cultural Of Learning and Development this Probably I'm I'm quite sure guys is a Great company to work for especially if You know someone that may have had

Cancer before or if you're just Um somebody that may be interested in Learning more about breast cancer then I Would say apply for this job so the link To this one guys it will be posted right Below the video in the description box So you guys can check it out be sure to Do some research make sure you share This awesome video leave us a comment And then hop on over guys to Facebook And join us kiss their cubicle goodbye Make sure you follow us on our other Social media platform so we do have Another giveaway guys over on our Facebook business page it is two chicks With the side hustle so be sure guys to Follow us over on that platform and make Sure you follow us on Tick Tock Twitter And on Instagram two chicks with a side Hustle because on Instagram we are doing A pop-up giveaway so make sure you're Over there it is two chicks with the Side hustle my name is Carl I'll catch You guys in the next video bye Hi YouTube

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