Cvs Hiring! – Work From Home Job | No Degree | Make Up To $216 A Day | Online Job

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Hey hey hey happy Sunday it's me Carl I Am back with another work from home Video the company is CVS Health but Before I jump in if you are looking for Data entry non-phone chat jobs email Texting or transcription or they'll skip The interview side hustles check them Out on the non blog Be sure to smash that red subscribe Button turn on that Bell notification Make sure you guys thumbs up the videos And make sure you share on this channel Guys we do real giveaways and we are Giving away 10 more brand new laptop Computers they are absolutely free to You guys just be sure to tell a friend Share like crazy spread the word invite Your people over here to the live stream Later on this evening and leave us a Comment let us know in the comments what Do you guys think we should talk about On this live stream today be sure to hop Over here to the two chicks blog look Under the Spotlight job section apply For Omni and apply for tell us and don't Forget to sign up guys for Branded Surveys people are making real money off Of this website the link is down below In the comments let's get into the video So again the company is CVS and we know Them by CVS Pharmacy they are looking to Feel their health concert G position This is a full-time work from home job Guys it says here salary range 17 to 27

An hour this is a work at home Opportunity for candidates located in The all-time zones and the working Schedule will be in the Eastern time Zone so you can live In any time zone guys and work for this Company now it says that the health Custody is the face of Aetna to provide Targeted personalized Services based on A holistic view of the member benefits Health information and through or Thorough engagement or through Engagement I'm sorry handles customer Service inquiries and problems via the Telephone internet web chat or written Correspondence engages consults and Educates members based upon the members Unique needs preferences and Understanding of Aetna's plans tools and Resources to help guide the members Along a clear path to care utilizes Resources to assist customers in Understanding components of the Edna Products including claims accumulators Usage balances and the cost sharing now Again guys minimum 17 maximum is 27. Required Community qualifications Ability to multitask by prioritize while Maintaining a pleasant and calm demeanor With customers patience and caregivers Excellent communication variable written And listening skills strong computer Data entry and typing skills ability to Work between multiple technology

Platforms able to learn and utilize new Technology as service evolves able to Use multiple monitors strong Organization skills and attention to Detail ability to receive and act on Feedback resilient curious and seeks to Learn great Problem Solver with the Ability to collaboratively engage with Customers patients caregivers and other Team members to provide Solutions and Then they have the preferred Qualifications you will need a high School diploma or GED for this job so Again this one is on the two chicks Blog The company is CVS Pharmacy or CVS Health better known as and they are Looking to feel their health concern G This is a full-time 17 to 27 Dollar in Our position and they will provide you Guys with the equipment so make sure you Guys check this one out the link will be Posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can apply be Sure to do your own research go over to Google type in CVS Health it only takes About two to three minutes for you guys To get some information on the company Be sure to write it down just in case You get an interview I'm gonna keep Saying this you want to be prepared and Not surprised and then you want to hop On over to Facebook and join kiss that Cubicle goodbye make sure you guys Follow us follow us follow us over on

Our Facebook business page we are going To give away two additional brand new Laptop computers once we reach a hundred Thousand followers so go over there to Facebook guys start sharing our Information like crazy we're trying to Get the word out to the masses about Legit work from home job side gigs Inside hustles we want to let every Everybody know about this good Information so make sure you share tag Somebody on those posts that is a form Of sharing and we will see it and write Your name on that giveaway list so again We're giving away two additional brand New laptop computers absolutely free to You guys and anybody can win these Laptops make sure you guys are following Us on Tick Tock Twitter and also on Instagram we are doing a pop-up giveaway Over on our Instagram platform so hop Over there share the content create some Of those reels that I see over on Instagram share us in your stories be Sure to tag some people on the post Whatever we have posted over on Instagram share like crazy because we're Gonna pop up on Instagram between now And the end of the year and do a Giveaway I have no idea what we're Giving away but you guys know how we do We might give away a desktop it could be A laptop could be a laptop stand could Be a hundred dollar cash app you just

Never know what we are going to pull out Of our hats and give away so you want to Be over there guys following us and Sharing that information as well my name Is Carl and I will catch you lovely People in the next video Bye [Music]

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