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Hello what is up welcome back to my Channel and if it's your first time here Welcome my name is CeCe I post job leads Daily to help you switch from an In-office job to a work from home role This job is super exciting it is a Colorado grants guide research volunteer For a community resource center it is Fully remote and the estimated rate of Pay for this is between forty eight Thousand two sixty thousand per year However once we kind of dive into more Of the details we're going to dissect That and try to get you guys a good Hourly rate Um estimate so like I said fully remote Your major responsibilities are going to Be to research and update the funder Profiles work with proprietary and Confidential information communicate With the program coordinator to make Sure everything is accurate provide your Insight and expertise to launch the new Platform and help develop new strategies And opportunities that can benefit the Subscribers experience so a little bit About the company they help develop and Manage the Colorado grants guide by Updating the live database and Researching funders who Provide support To Colorado nonprofits and communities Using public info like organizational Websites annual reports IRS documents Etc so essentially you are making sure

That everything is fully disclosed and Up to date so the qualifications for This you need obviously great research Proficiency you know how to navigate a Computer data entry experience Self-motivated highly organized and have Access to a computer and internet this Is great because it is a weekly schedule That is flexible a minimum of two hours Including check-in per week for eight Weeks is required so this could be great If you need a secondary income if you're Looking to just diversify and get some More funds coming in this will be great For you support Um for this role will be weekly check-in For questions and guidance and of course Training will be provided so you're Going to use the application form it's Going to pop out here onto this apply on Company site but I will have that Directly linked on my website so if you Guys would like the link to apply for This job you can find it there I will Just have it directly up there and that Will be accessible to you in the Description box below if this one was Not for you on your screen are two other Videos I've also posted check those out You might find a better match for Yourself there click my face on the Screen also to subscribe so you never Miss an upload and I will talk to you in My next video bye

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