Get Paid $854-$1,156 Per Week! Organize & Track new referrals online! Work From Home Jobs 2022

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Happy Tuesday everyone I am back with Another work from home job where you can Get paid 854 to 1156 per week just to organize and track New referrals before I give you the Information make sure that you watch the Videos all the way through because there Are valuable information to help you get Closer to Landing your first second Third job and even a side hustle and I Also want you to remember to mark your Calendar for December the 2nd 2022 at Seven o'clock P.M Citrus Standard time I Am going YouTube live I am bringing the Guest Deborah a swisher she is a Certified professional coder with over 30 years of experience in the medical Billing Um as well as being an instructor so if You ever wanted to know how to become a Medical biller encoder from home then You need to be there okay now we're Going to go ahead and dive right into The job now we're talking about the Company CWS it stands for church World Service they're currently seeking dating Entry assistant hsprs To work remotely when you scroll down This is the pay the pay is between 21.36 to 28.90 an hour and basically what you'll Be doing is you're going to organize and Upload resource to share drive for Assets by national team you're going to

Communicate with provider sites Including caseworkers and assist about The status of dating entry for new Referrals and they want you to be able To type at least 45 words per minute With 95 percent accuracy we're talking About typing here are some free places Where you can go and practice your Typing skills Um this is what You can practice your typing test or you Can practice your 10 key tests if you Click on start you got a choice to Practice numbers and symbols or numbers Or only it's just up to you and this is How the typing test look like as well as Here's another free typing places you can check your typing Skills in a minute and if you need a Refresher course course they have that I Suggest you to take advantage of that so Go ahead and take advantage of those Today in order to get your typing where It needs to be and it also require a Minimum of two two to three years of Equivalent experience Advanced skills in Microsoft Office Products including Excel PowerPoint and word so if you need Some help in learning word excel PowerPoint here it is this is some free Places on Microsoft 365 where you can Learn Microsoft Word Excel in a minute So if I wanted to know word all I do is Click on word and I can choose if I want

To know how to insert tables and Pictures and Watermark I click on this And it brings up a video you know where You can watch it gives you information Also too where it tells you how to do This stuff too but it brings up a video As you can see if I go back into Um Excel it does the same thing I click On Excel if I want to know anything About how to make rows and columns all I Do is print click on it and there's a Video that shows you how to insert a Delete rows and columns so before you Say you cannot do this job there are Free things on Um Facebook or YouTube where when you Google things there are free things to Get you where you need to be in order to Pass Um you know the applicator tracker System and get high tired okay now they Do want you to have standards hours of With occasionally evenings or weekend Assignment and to give you information About church World Service it is a Faith-based organization transforming Communities around the globe through Just and sustaining respect response to Hunger so we're going to go more into Details about what you're going to be Doing Um you're going to organize and upload a Resource to share a drive for Access You're going to communicate with

Provider sites including case workers And case processor assistance about the Status of data entry for new referrals So you're going to be communicating With people you know and it may be a Little fun not that much but Um again I spoke with hiring manager They still consider it a non-phone Work-at-home job lead and then you're Going to upload final reports to Government database and then you go a Little bit further they just want you to Have Um excellent organization skills strong Analytical skills and ability to work in A multicultural environment if this Sounds like something that you're able To do then all you need to do is Click Right here where it says apply okay now Keep pushing keep applying don't give up There is a job out there with your name On it keep pushing keep applying don't Give up there is a job out there with Your name on it okay you cannot You know give up in life life is full of Ups and downs one minute you up next Minute you down one minute you think That you're at the finish line and you Got to go back at the end of the line Things happen for a reason sometimes it Could be saving you for drama that's Going on getting ready to go on on the Job and he's you know God is protecting Your peace so you can have peace you

Know um it could be because they're Getting ready to lay off or something You know is going to happen on that job Remember when you don't get the job There is a reason behind a lot of things Because there's jobs in the past that oh I wanted that job I mean it was just a Good fit for me but um I didn't get the Job and when you go back years later It's people telling you oh girl you Ought to be glad that you didn't get That job because they're getting ready To lay us off the boss you know it's Horrible they don't appreciate their Employees but sometimes it just happened Like that you know everybody have a GPS When you're driving and sometimes when You're driving it is traffic you know it Knows the GPS is smart enough to know That before you get to your destination Oh it's traffic right there it is to say It's traffic we're going to read the Route read the route you somewhere else And it takes you way to the back road And you're like look why is it taking me All this way and if I can go this way But it was protecting you from any Accidents and later when you hear there Was an accident on that road that you Were trying to go so again when things Happen there is a reason for everything And remember there is a time and season For everything a lot of people are like Well at this point you should have found

Your job by now or at this point you Should be at the level no there is a Time and season for everything you have To be patient good things come to those Who wait okay but you got to believe in Yourself don't expect for other people To encourage you you got to encourage Yourself these days people are so Negative they everything that come out Of their mouth is negative you can't do This nobody's not gonna hire you there's Millions of people that's applying for The job and if you listen to those type Of people you're not gonna you're gonna Always stay at level eight you're not Going to never move up to from A to Z You gotta State you gotta surround Yourself around people that's uplifting You if they're not uplifting you you Gotta let them go I don't care if it's Family Whoever case it is you got to learn to Love them in distance and go out there And grab what is yours today by applying For these jobs here there is a job out There with your name on it but you got To believe if you don't believe nobody Else will so go out there and grab what Is yours today by applying for these Jobs today okay you know that I'm always Talking about ways of helping you get Better and do better Um cost of living and going up people Need extra money people need more money

So why not become a text sell or Information technology if you do your Research text sales and information Technology is high in demand and why not Take a course that is very affordable With no experience or degree is required Once you go through course careers Different companies that course careers Have partnered with they would drop the Experience a degree just for course Graduate and you can get out there and Make a get hired make it anywhere Between 60k to 100K in less than 3 three Months okay so we're gonna go ahead and Just dive in and tell you about the Difference between text cells because Some people don't want to be on the Phone tech sales is basically you're Reaching out to companies like if you Were working for Google Google you're Reaching out to companies that are Interested in buying your product okay And with that type of job there are more Than 300 000 opening jobs and the Average starting salary is 60 to 80 a Year that is excellent money now Information Technology course are Information technology is more of a chat Job you're dealing with people through Tickets and cues there are more than 200 000 opening jobs and the salary is 40 Between 40 and 60k a year okay Now I always suggest you to go and look At the full testimony because there are

Tons of people that are testing on Giving you testimonies about what how They started course careers what were They doing for course careers and what Are they're doing now after course Careers so just to paraphrase this 19 Year old girl she worked at Starbucks And again it's nothing wrong with Working at Starbucks but I just don't Think it's meant to stay somewhere Forever especially if you're not moving Up she ran across course careers she Enrolled in course careers and now at This time she is the youngest person Making 60k year working from home and This can happen to you now you may ask The question now how can I get started I'm glad you asked what you need to do Is start their free intro course and Base it in that course you're going to Learn about what the career entails and If you would be a good fit for it so if You think that hey I want to be an Information technology or I want to be a Text cells then don't procrastinate Don't talk yourself out of signing up You need to enroll in the online class The online online class is a self-paced Course to begin learning you can Complete the course in few weeks to a Couple months depending on how much time You commit you will learn everything Required to land your first position and The great thing about this is that you

Could be an internship where you're Getting the experience making between 15 And 20 dollars an hour for three months And then once that three months is up You can choose to work for that company Or you go and apply for other companies That course careers have partner with And that is a win-win how many of y'all Or you know somebody that went to College they got their degree they spent Four two four years five years in College they come out with that degree And they go and apply for jobs and guess What they can't get a job because they Don't have experience they have the Degree so what do they do they go back To college change their major get that Degree and they have that same issues But with course careers you're getting The experience you're not only getting That degree certification you're getting The experience and it is a win-win okay And then in the course You will start applying the skills you Acquire for the course in a new career They'll teach you exactly how to land in The entry level position or internship By giving you Insider knowledge of how To apply to companies what they look for In resumes application and how to Prepare for interviews and so much more So they partner again directly with Companies that want to hire their Students into an entry level position

And internship dropping the degree and Experience requirement for a course Careers graduates okay so it is a Win-win you do not have to worry about Taking out any loans it's people that Have taken our loans going to college And they've been out of school for 12 Years and still paying for the loan here You do not have to take out a loan this Is eight the price is only 499 dollars That's all if you use my coupon code You'll get fifty dollars off of that That coupon code is it a YouTube Description bar or you can make four Payment plans of a hundred and fifty Dollars okay they do have a 14-day money Back guarantee you know this course is Fully refundable within 14 days of Purchase no courses asked all you have To do is simply contact them and they Will refund your money but on an average You will make over 800 a week as they Help desk professionals so basically the Course pays for itself during the first Four days on the job you got to go out There And make it happen if you want to move Up you got to invest that is the part of Life if you want to move up you got to Invest people that are moving up they Have invest in ourself and this is very Affordable price for anybody if you have A high school student that is a junior Senior that's uncertain about what they

Want to do you need to tell them about This if you want a career change you Need to go or if you just want a higher Paying job this is something that you Need to do today sign up today and you Can start taking the courses today okay So go ahead and do that and remember This channel is all about non-phone work At home job they used to go out every Single day at 7 A.M such a standard time So if you're looking for a work from Home job where you're not talking to Customers on the phone you have landed On the right channel remember watch the Videos all the way through because these It's very valuable information in all my Videos that are helping you get closer To Landing your first second third job Even a side hustle if you would like to Become a member of the YouTube channel I Would love to have you all you have to Do is click that join button there is a Short video explaining the benefits of Becoming a member of the YouTube channel Shout out to everyone that's already a Member and remember subscribe to the Channel for more non-phone work at home Job leads to click on that Bell to turn On your notifications so every time I Upload new videos you'll be notified Make sure you check out the community Tab that is where I engage with all of My audience when I upload new videos I Posted it in there and remember don't

Disqualify yourself before you apply for These jobs let the company do it go out There and grab what is yours today by Applying for these jobs because there is A job out there with your name on it but You gotta believe if you don't believe Nobody else will thank you so much for Watching and I will see you in the next Video

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