Home Chef Is Hiring Remote Customer Experience Associates | $615 To $788 Week | Work From Home 2023

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TGIF my friends and welcome back to Another work from home job Lead You may Recognize the company home Chef they're All over advertisements here lately on TV and YouTube and a lot of influencers On Instagram and all have been using Them and sharing them they are hiring a Customer experience associate it does Say that this is remote and now they are Hiring for a little bit different shift We'll get into that just know if you're Interested in applying the links are in The YouTube description box below but Home Chef is one of those home meal kit Delivery services and they are looking For a customer experience Associated to Work directly with their customers via Different channels including chat phone And email this is a full-time a 40 hour Per week job but they're looking for Someone to work Tuesday to Saturday 10 A.m to 6 30 p.m Central Standard Time Schedule so make sure that your hours if You're not in that time zone will work With that and on top of the pay which We'll get to in a minute they do offer Quarterly incentives and bonuses but You'll basically just assist the Customers with their home Chef Experience you efficiently address and Solve user issues primarily be it live Channels while maintaining and exceeding Your kpis aimed at customer satisfaction Productivity and of course accuracy

You'll build connections and trust with The customers you'll handle their Concerns and quickly get them a Resolution so you'll be organized Accountable and responsible taking Action for the situation now they don't Require any college degree at just a High school diploma or GED they do Prefer somebody who is a minimum of one Year of customer service experience Someone who's a great service skills Including empathy kindness and Helpfulness someone who is a tech savvy If you're familiar with using zendesk or Different ticketing assist systems that Is a plus for you you have to have great Writing skills great communication Skills and a great interpersonal skills Now they pay anywhere from thirty two Thousand fifty eight dollars a year all The way up to forty one thousand seven Hundred and twenty one dollars a year And of course they offer a benefit Package that includes a standard health Benefits 401K a paid a time off and they Also give you a discount if you want to Use home Chef yourself all right as Always if this job lead was not for you That's okay please feel free to leave in The comments anything specific that you Are looking for I want to say thank you So so much for watching and supporting Me and I'll be back really really soon With more work from home job leads just

For you

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