Make $600-$680 A Week | No Degree | Get Paid To Verify Mortgage Info Work From Home Job Hiring Now

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What's up two chicks fam happy Friday it Is me Carl I am back with a non-phone Work from home job but before I get into It if you guys are looking for more Non-phone jobs data entry chat make sure You hop over here check them out on the Non blog let us know In the comments what type of work from Home job or side hustle you guys are Looking for be sure to smash that red Subscribe button turn on that Bell Notification make sure you guys thumbs Up these videos and make sure you share So we've already purchased 10 brand new Laptop computers and we are giving those Away once we reach a hundred thousand Subscribers on this channel so make sure You guys run tell a friend spread the Word come back leave us a comment don't Forget to check out the videos that were Posted on the channel yesterday and Today now Wednesday guys we did a live Stream 30 skip the interview jobs and Side hustles make sure you guys go back And check out the video and apply and Sign up today hop over to the two chicks Blog look under the spotlight job Section apply for Omni and tell us and Get branded surveys in your basket easy Peasy survey site the link is in the Comments let's get into the video so the Company is called metal Source they're Looking to feel their mortgage Verification Specialist position as you

Guys can see the pay it is 15 to 17 Dollars per hour now it says here that The mortgage Verification Specialist is Responsible for collecting and Validating information presented by the Clients and the customers by Communicating with various institutions To verify the correct information Responsibilities re-verify employment And access by communicating with various Employers financial institutions inner Client information into the computer Systems and the databases order Management of additional services such As the SSA 89 that tax transcripts the Occupancy verifications the field review Appraisals collects researches and Analyze data review documents to Determine any necessary Re-verifications now what we mean by Non-phone and I know it says that you Have to communicate with the employers Or the financial institutions we mean That you are not talking to actual Customers you may have to talk to some Of these uh employers or things like That but as long as you don't have to Talk to the actual customer that is what We mean by non-phone now the Qualifications for this one are as Follows High School GED or equivalent or Any combination of education and Experience mortgage lending experience Is preferred just preferred guys it is

Not required ability to read and Interpret documents such as company Policies ability to write routine Reports and correspondences able to Communicate professionally and clearly Through both written and oral Correspondences experience we with Microsoft Office such as Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook Now this one guys it is on the non-phone Blog there will be a link posted right Below the video in the description box So you guys can apply for this job make Sure you do some research about metasor So the company again is meta Source they Are looking to feel their mortgage Verification Specialist position the pay Is 15 to 17 per hour and this is a Full-time job make sure you go do some Research go to Google type in meta Source see what comes up because you Might have to answer the question about What do you know about metasaurs and you Want to be prepared and not surprised Make sure you share my awesome video Leave me a comment down below make sure You do that guys because some of you Guys that you share the videos or you Tell people about us but you forget to Come back and leave us a comment so that Is very important to leave us their Comments down below hop over to Facebook Join enough kiss that cubicle goodbye Make sure you guys are following us also

On Facebook on our two chicks with the Side hustle business page because we are Going to give away two additional laptop Computers anybody can win so just in Case you don't win over here you can Still win over on our Facebook business Page and make sure you guys follow us on Tick Tock Twitter also on Instagram Under the same name two chicks with the Side hustle now on Instagram guys we are Going to do another pop-up giveaway so This means that we are just going to Come on Instagram pop up and we'll wait Till you guys come into the live and we Are going to start doing a giveaway so Make sure you are over there following Us you can share us on your Instagram Stories or you can create those reels About two chicks with the side hustle my Name is Carl and I will catch you Wonderful lovely fantastic amazing and Awesome people in the next video yo Bye YouTube

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