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Foreign [Music] Welcome back to my channel I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and I'm back with another job for You guys and this job right here is with The company orthofi and they're Currently looking for a remote senior Dental Customer Care representative to Work full-time in the U.S one thing I Like about this job is this is a Nationwide job you can be located in any Time zone as long as you're able to work The shifts that they have provided okay We're gonna get straight into the Details starting off with the pay this Job is 18 an hour and again it is full Time and they're currently hiring for The following shift that's going to be Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m to 6 30 p.m mountain time and Friday from 8 30 a.m to 5 p.m mountain time so again You will need to adjust that to your Time zone so just to give you a brief Overview of this job you will be a part Of the patient advocate team and you're Going to be responsible for providing Direct support primarily to patients and Their families and occasionally to Orthodontic practice staff via phone own Email and online chat you will be Handling technical support billing and Collections and insurance you will be a Good fit for this job if you have one

Plus a year of orthodontic dental Industry experience specifically with Insurance bilingual in English and Spanish both written and verbal Commitment to 100 customer satisfaction Excellent communication skills Empathetic strong technical aptitude and Solid organizational skills they're Going to provide you with Benefits PTO Dental medical so after you enter in Your email address it will take you to Upload your resume and proceed with the Application of course if you're Interested in applying for the shop you Can find the link in the description bar You guys know if you have any questions Or comments you can leave those below And as usual I thank you guys so much For watching I'll see you in my next Video and good luck to those who apply For the job

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