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Foreign Welcome back to my channel I hope Everybody's doing good today I'm doing Great and I'm back with another job for You guys and this one right here is Going to be with the company Cota VT Okay I've probably featured this company On my channel maybe once or twice they Tend to have pretty good remote jobs I Know they have some no phone jobs so Definitely go ahead and check them out But today we're going to be talking About their recovery quality assurance Specialist okay and this is going to be A job that does not require you to talk On the phone instead you're going to be Monitoring calls and interactions and Things like that you guys seem to really Love these jobs all right we're gonna go Ahead and get into the details now as Far as the pay is concerned at the time Of me doing this voiceover I'm not sure Of the pay if you don't see it on the Screen in the title or on the thumbnail I don't know the pay but getting into The responsibilities you will be Monitoring recovery resolution Specialists and Senior recovery Resolution Specialists for compliance And Report support some management based On recorded telephone conversations and System notes between providers and Recovery resolution specialist you're Going to also complete evaluation

Scorecards based on recorded telephone Conversations and applicable research Functions and identify common obstacles Within the systems teams and escalate to Department managers you're going to Coordinate meetings with individual Resolution Specialists to discuss Development opportunities from Undesirable scores and identify a Performance plan of improvements Required you will Coach collectors and Procedural changes and process updates And you're going to also perform various Quality audits provide accurate Information document details in the System so in terms of qualifications They want you to be a high school Graduate or have a GED zero to two years Of related experience and or one to Three plus years prior health care or Collection experience is preferred you Need to have required working knowledge Of an applicable industry tree-based Standards excellent verbal and written Communication and be able to work well Independently so after you enter in your Email it will take you to the Application and of course if you guys Are interested in applying for this job You can find the link in the description Bar if you guys have any questions or Any comments feel free to leave those Below and as usual I thank you guys so Much for watching I'll see you in my

Next video and good luck to those who Apply for the job

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