Non Phone | No Degree Work From Home Job | Get Paid To Review Content | Work At Home Job

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Happy Sunday two chicks fam what is Today it is live stream Sunday so be Sure to leave us a comment down below What do you guys think we should talk About on this live stream today make Sure you guys smash that red subscribe Button turn on that Bell notification Thumbs up these videos and make sure you Share on this channel guys we do real Giveaways and we are giving away 10 more Brand new laptop computers they are Absolutely free so make sure you guys go Share spread the word tell a friend come Back leave us a comment down below don't Forget to go back and check out that Video that I posted on the channel Yesterday quick higher position make Sure you guys hop on over to the two Chicks with the side blog Look under the spotlight job section Apply for tell us and also guys apply For Omni interactions both of these Opportunities are skipped the interview And don't forget guys to sign up for Branded surveys some people here are Making 15 to 50 dollars in a day the Link is down below in the comments let's Go ahead and jump into the video so the Company is called Webster runs and I Hope I'm saying that correctly now This is a non-phone opportunity they're Looking for Content expert reviewers They're trying to fill this position now The drawback to this one guys they are

Stay specific so make sure you check Right here To see if they hire in your state now This position is available as a remote Position And it is full time now these are some Things that the content expert reviewer Will do edit in-depth product Descriptions with the Perfect Blend of Creative creative and technical writing Skills regularly correspond with writers In the department to help them Understand our Style Guidelines and Industry standards maintain quality Control by reviewing small and Large-scale content updates marketing Materials and other site text and Employee work help advise on best Practices for user experience on our Site participate in team meetings and Product trainings identify Trends and Edits or inefficiencies with our work And develop ideas to improve those areas Attend conferences related to the food Industry and develop a knowledge of the Food industry to share Trends and Standards with the department now These are some qualifications High Attention to detail passion for accuracy Great organizational skills past Experience with editing solid written And variable communication skills Receptive to feedback on work and Comfortable giving feedback completes

The task in a timely manner Embraces Change and suggest ideas for improvement Takes initiative to solve problems Independently Superior research skills Willing to question for clarity to Ensure the best Solutions are provided For our customers views projects with a Critical eye and seeks out areas to Improve now I do see here competitive Compensation comprehensive benefit Package including paid time off medical Dental insurance Wellness programs as Well so this one guys it is on our Non-phone blog there will be a link Posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can check Out this company again Webster run store They are hiring for their content expert Reviewer position it is 100 remote and They are stay specific so please check That first before you apply for this job Now if you don't live and none of the States listed make sure you still share The video because you never know Somebody else may live in one of those States and they are looking for a Legitimate work from home job be sure to Share the video guys make sure you do Some research know something about the Company just in case you get an Interview and I think for this company You will have to do an interview because Some people get hired with this company Different position but I do remember the

Last time we posted this company there Were some subscribers that did get hired So make sure you guys do some research Make sure you share leave us a comment Down below because again we are giving Away 10 brand new laptop computers Absolutely free to you guys and all you Have to do is just share tell a friend Invite your people to the live streams And make sure you leave us a comment Somewhere Don't forget to come on over to Facebook Join our group KISS that cubicle goodbye We do have a lot of other jobs companies Posted in the group that may or may not Be posted on this YouTube channel so you Guys don't want to miss out on anything That we post so make sure you hop on Over there and join and while you're on Facebook follow us on our Facebook Business page it is two chicks with a Side hustle because guys we are going to Give away two more additional laptop Computers absolutely free over on that Platform so just in case you don't win a Laptop over here on this platform you Still have a chance guys to win a laptop Over on the business page it is two Chicks with a side hustle you can start Sharing our content from over there you Can tag your friends your family members And the post that we have posted over There make sure you leave us a comment Somewhere don't forget to follow us on

Tick Tock Twitter also on Instagram Two chicks with the side hustle now on Instagram guys we are going to do a Pop-up giveaway so this means that we're Gonna just pop up over there And give away something between now and The end of the year December 31st 2022 so I don't know what we're gonna Give away it could be a 100 Amazon gift Card it could be a 50 Walmart gift card It could be a hundred dollar cash app it Could also be a 250 dollar PayPal so We've been known to give away money Before or it could be a brand new laptop Computer who knows what it will be just Make sure guys you hop on over there to Instagram two chicks with a side hustle You can share us in your stories you can Even create little reels about us as Well my name is Carl I'll catch you guys On the next video bye You too

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