Recruiter Reached Out! Easy Quick Hire Work From Home Job | Schedule Yourself | Weekly Pay

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Hey hey hey YouTube fam it's me Carl I Am back with a quick higher easy higher Work from home job the recruiter reached Out and with this one guys you can pick And choose your own hours and you can Work part-time all the way up to Full-time hours Monday through Friday no Weekend so this is a good one before I Get into the video make sure you guys Smash the red subscribe button turn on That Bell notification thumbs up the Video make sure you share on this Channel we do real giveaways we just Recently purchased 10 brand new laptop Computers and we are going to give them Away once we reach a hundred thousand Subscribers so make sure you guys spread The word go tell a friend what we do on This channel be sure to come back leave Us a comment don't forget to check out That live stream that we did last night On the channel we talked about 10 Non-phone transcription work whenever You want jobs make sure you guys go back Check out that video make sure you share Hop over to the two blog look under the Spotlight job section make sure you guys Apply for Omni and for a tell us and Don't forget let us know in the comments What type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for and be Sure to sign up for Branded surveys Let's get into this great video so the Company is called via Source Solutions

The recruiter from this company reached Out to us they are looking to feel their Patient quality surveys position now it Says here the survey patients in a Professional manner to collect the Feedback from their recent experience to Improve the health care System the hours Of operation are as follows we offer our Contractors the opportunity to select Their own schedule part-time 25 hours up To full-time 40 hours Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 A.M to 3 30 p.m Pacific Standard time so if you Don't live in specific time I believe For Eastern it'll be I think 9 or 10 A.M To maybe 6 30 p.m something like that And then for Central it would be 9 A.M To 4 30 p.m but hey guys no weekends or Holidays so this is a great one the Compensation starts at 13 per hour and They pay weekly weekly direct deposits Once you set up your payroll now it Saves the skills and requirements Previous survey experience is preferred However it is not required this is a Beginner friendly one friendly Professional with clear concise speaking Voice and proper use of English language Excellent communication and call control To remain on standardized script while Offering quality customer service Distraction free secure and quiet place To work knowledge of Windows

Applications email communication and Typing skills is a must you're Comfortable managing multiple Applications simultaneously and you must Pass and complete a felony background Check now this is at no cost to the Applicant and it does not include a Credit check so again guys you will have Have to complete and pass a felony Background check that is at no cost to You now they do have some equipment Requirements here and also guys they are Stay specific they do hire in 27 States So make sure you check first be sure That they hire in your state before you Apply for this company again the company Is via Source Solutions they're looking To fear their patient quality surveys Position it could be part-time or Full-time it says 25 to 40 hours Monday Through Friday no weekends no holidays The hours are 7 A.M to 3 30 p.m Pacific The pay is 13 per hour and they pay Weekly and you don't need experience to Apply for this job the information it is On our two chicks blog there will be a Link posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can do your Own research and you can apply for this Position make sure you share share share We're trying to get the word out there Guys because we again are giving away 10 Brand new laptop computers absolutely Free and anybody can win these laptops

We are trying to get there before Christmas so make sure you guys are Sharing and telling people and inviting People over here to this YouTube channel Then you want to hop on over to Facebook Join our group KISS that cubicle goodbye A lot of people guys have been hired Within the last 30 days at different Companies so make sure you come over There so you can see what the companies Are and what the positions are that the People have been hired with also guys Make sure you are following us on our Facebook business page it is two chicks With the side hustle because we are Giving away an additional two laptops Over on their platform and anybody can Win just make sure you share over there Tell a friend you can even tag your Friends your family members on the post So that is another way to share this Great information and once we reach a Hundred thousand followers over on that Platform we will be giving away those Two laptops and you know we we are Generous so we may give away some other Things as well and don't forget guys to Hop on over to Twitter Tick Tock and Instagram to check with us I hustle now On Instagram we are doing another Giveaway it is a pop-up giveaway meaning That we are going to just pop up over There on Instagram on live and do a Giveaway I have no idea what we're

Giving away so just make sure you guys Share invite your people over there to Instagram as well tag create some Stories some reels put us in those and We will put your name on that giveaway List my name is Carl I'll catch you Wonderful awesome people in the next Video Bye YouTube

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