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Hello YouTube family I am back with more Work from home jobs where you can set Your own hours these are 10.99 jobs okay Um like I always said I am bringing more Um exercise gig opportunities in 2023 Because I want you to have multiple Strains of income I believe in eight so If you have a full-time job and you look To make extra cash this is for you or Maybe you're a stay-at-home mom and You're looking to make some extra cash While the kids are at school this is for You so um let's go ahead and dive right Into the video now we're talking about The coming of Legends their Transcription they're currently seeking Work from home transcription to uh they Have that available those type of jobs This is a 1099 job you decide how much You work and work on your schedule now When I do my research the pay is 18.75 An hour and you can earn a thousand one Hundred and forty one every month and Then you will get paid weekly every week You get paid and basically what you'll Be doing is you will transcribe Recording audio files for some of the Largest providers in the country and to Give you information about alleges they Specialize in transcriptions for the Insurance and legal World okay so many Transcription jobs require no experience As long as you understand and can write English and have a respectable typing

Speed and you're free to apply for the Work from home job okay I suggest you go Check out this video they give you more Details about You know what you'll be doing again this Is a great opportunity Um why transcribe for Allegiance um Again your independent contractor and You'll decide when you want to work they Do have an additional robust Community Network for their support team to focus On your success and when they're here to Help every step of the way and then if It sounds like a good fit all you need To do is apply today many work from home Transcription contracts available right Now so you need to go ahead and check That out now when I click on the company Network site it will bring you up to Here it goes over the information or the Steps on how to apply like the first Step is the application in the skills Assessment that takes 45 minutes then The experience verification no time to Four weeks okay offering onboarding is Between 30 to 60 Minutes quality Development one to two weeks and this Should work first 10 jobs at tier 205 Pay rate anterior placement pay rate per Tier assignment okay so again you have To pass the threshold for each step must Be met and will be clear outlined Insurance transcription does not include The initial work step and then what you

Have to do is you have to have a Compatible equipment and software you Click there and they give you Information about what type of software That you need to have now on the Application it talks about Um you need to have a base transcription Skills level grammar spelling and Punctuation knowledge General Availability to meet production minimal Then when you go to the entry points an Experience path they're looking for Someone that is a good fit and an Interview will determine the best match For the type of transcription work and Appropriate entry point Um which is level one experience Specialized okay so it depends upon the Entry point they will direct the Candidates to the quickest path to get Into work And then the quality development no Matter the entry point Allegiance Welcome transcriptions to the team Through a quality development program The program pairs transcriptions with a Coach shares quality standards and Provide exercise and assessment to Ensure that expectations are met in an Independent work upon successful Completion of the program transcriptions Are set to accept jobs candidates are Paid for signed transcriptions files and Quality development okay so you have to

Go through those process now again I Talk about Um different free things that you can go In practice audio transcription practice You can click on the transcription test One our transcription two editing test If I click on transcription test we want Okay this is what you're going to see Somebody is going to start talking and You start typing okay when I go back Editing test one these are some editing Tests here And um it's just it gives you more Practice on how to do transcription so Go and take advantage of that again if That's free and when you Google things Like I said Um Google is your friend build a Relationship with Google you can type in Practice transcript and translation for Free here are some videos that popped up Okay that people are walking you through How to transcription and translate Practice problems transcriptions and Translation practice exam practice Transcription two uh transcribe DNA into MRNA again there's a lot of videos that You can watch in order to get you up to Par to what you need to do okay so Before you say that you can't do the job Check out the video and see what the Video has to offer again use Google as Your friend you can research so much and You can come up with a lot of things

That have free things for you to get Into this position okay so I want to Just leave an encouragement words with You is please don't disqualify yourself Before you apply for these jobs let the Company do it okay start everything Starts with the mind You have to have that mindset I cannot Give you that mindset I cannot give you The confidence the only person can give That to you is you got to pray to God And he will give that to you you know Stop disencouraging yourself I see that All the time I hear it I see it in Comments you people are willing now to Train you but how you know that you will Be the one that they're going to train If you see the person I'm not going to Apply because I don't have the Experience we've all started out that Way when I started working for mama I Didn't have experience working from home I didn't have experience doing a lot of Things but I had a will in mind a Willing heart and a willing spirit and I Went out there and I did the job and I Got the job okay and that can't happen To you but you got to keep pushing keep Applying don't give up there is a job Out there with your name on it but it Starts with you you gotta believe so go Out there and grab what is yours by Applying for these jobs today okay now I Am also talking about

Since 2023 is here People have been procrastinating for Years about I'm going to take an online Course I'm going to do this but Something is holding them back even it's Money or it's just the mind is holding People back Course careers Is a great course to take to learn text Sales and information technology if you Do your research there are a lot of text Sales jobs available information Technology sales available why is Because hiring managers cannot find the Right people to do the job a lot of People are not trained to do this job so Course careers have partnered with Different Fortune 500 companies that are Willing to train and hire course careers Graduates into an entry level position Okay dropping the experience or the Degree required now I want to go and Give you information about text sales Text sales is mainly or more you're on The phone you're reaching out pretend You're reaching out to potential buyers Like say for example if you work for Google you're reaching out to a Potential buyers that are interested in Buying products from Google and there Are more than 300 000 opening jobs Average starting salary it's between 60 To 80k a year now information technology Is more of a non-phone work-at-home job

Lead so you're dealing with customers Through queues and tickets responding to Tickets there are more than 200 000 Opening jobs in the average starting Salary is 40 between 40 and 60k a year I suggest you to go and check out the Testimonies there are a lot of people That are testifying of high course Careers is Um just to paraphrase this girl is 19 Years old she worked at Starbucks again You got to start somewhere you got to Crawl before you walk and she ran across Course careers and now she is the one Right now is the youngest of all making 60 000 a year working from home and this Can happen to you now you may want to Know how can I go ahead and get started Bring in the New Years with great Expectation and I'm glad you asked the Best thing to do is sign up for the free Intro course and in the intro course It's going to give you all the Information that you need to know about Information technology and Tech sales And what the job entitles and if you Feel like you're a good fit then don't Procrastinate a lot of people have been Procrastinating for two years three Years and they still sitting at the same Spot you know that they talked about Three years ago you got to be a risk Taker you got to take action enroll in Their online class it is a self-paced

Course and you begin to learn some People if you look look at the interview That course careers have interviewed Their students it's some people that Have compete completed the course in a Few weeks And they you can you know completely in A couple months but it's just depends on How much time you commit you will learn Everything required to land your first Position and the great thing about Course careers is that you are getting The experience they have an internship Where you can work for three months Making anywhere between fifteen and Twenty dollars an hour you gain your Experience once the three months is up You can choose to work for that company Or you could choose to work for any Other companies that course careers have Partnered with we know that when you go To college people go to university trade Schools Community College and they come Out with a degree and they go and apply For a job and they get rejected why Because they only have a degree and they Don't have the experience here at course Careers you're getting experience so When these people are going to a Community college or trade school or University they get rejected what they Do they go back to school change they Major get another degree and they keep Having the same issues rejections after

Rejection because they have that degree But they don't have the experience okay So course careers you're getting Experience so after you finish the Course you will start applying the Skills you acquire from the course in a New career they would teach you exactly How to land in an entry level position Or internship by giving you Insider Knowledge of how to apply to companies What they look for in resumes Application how to prepare for Interviews and such much more they also Partner directed with companies that Want to hire their students into an Entry-led position and internship Dropping the degree and experience Required for course to risk graduates Now is a lot of course careers graduates Now They want to be mentors to students that Are actually joining course careers they Want to help you you know pass the test They want to help you get out there and Found a job like they did so they offer Net now is a mentors with course career Students that actually went through the Course got a job they're looking to help You once you enroll with course careers So it is a win-win situation here okay Now I'm going to click on view course Anytime you're talking about a course There is a pricing and I believe it's Very affordable which is a single

Payment of 499 dollars when you go to a Community college a trade school or University you are out more money than 499 dollars and you're taking out a loan And when you're taking out a loan and You don't pay on it you can it could Disqualify you for getting the house or Get in the car but here at course Careers you're not taking out a loan all Your PIN is 499 if you use my coupon Code which is the rest of 50 you would Get 50 off the 499 dollars you can also Choose a four payment plan where you Could pay bi-weekly every two weeks Every 150 until you get that 499 dollars Paid off they're trying everything they Can to work work things out with you so You can go ahead and get started now They also have a 14 day money back Guarantee where the course is fully Refundable within 14 days of purchase no Courses ads all you have to do is simply Contact them and they will refund your Money and then on the average you will Make over 800 a week as a help desk Professional which is a it so basically The course pays for itself during just The first four days on the job again This is very affordable okay this is Very affordable if you ever wanted to Get into an information technology You've been sitting on your job for Years and you're not moving up this is For you if you've been to college and

You dropped out of college and you don't Know what you want to do this is for you If you're a high school student a junior Or senior and you're 18 years old and You uncertain about what you want to do With your life this is for you okay this Is for anybody that wants to make a Change and get out there and provide for Their family make more money for the to Support their family or their self this Is for you when you scroll down a little Bit further Again these are the testimonies that you Need to check out people are talking About how they started where they was Working before they ran across course Careers is very interesting I suggest You go ahead and check it out these are Some of the companies that are looking Right now to hire Information Technology But again they don't have enough people That have the experience so they partner With course careers so when the course Careers graduates complete the course They can go ahead and get on these Companies like Google zoom into a cloud Floor flare and Survey Monkey and Expedia so again you know it talks about The day in the life of Information Technology again you will respond to any Emails and assign except new tickets in The queue so this is more of a chat job So this is a non-phone work at home job You don't want to be on the phone I

Suggest you to go for information Technology that is basically what you're Doing researching different difficult Tickets or work on any long-term Projects you have going on and again it Tells you the qualification back Background and it tells you the I.T Course outline and this is your teacher Here okay so again stop procrastinate Take action faith without works is dead It's too many times people have been Saying I would do this but I'm going to Start but today is the day to start go Ahead and sign up as soon as you sign up You can finish this course within a week And start getting a job making anywhere Between 60k to 100K a year it is true if You read and you study the Um the the course careers graduates that Already graduated they testifying right In here if some of them finished the Course within a week and they got a job Within two weeks making over 60k a year And that can happen to you okay so the Information is in the YouTube Description bar make sure you go ahead And sign up because I'm here to help you Better yourself and provide for yourself And your family again that information Is in the YouTube description bar Remember my channel is all about none Phone work at home job these they go out Every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard Time make for sure you're

Watching the videos all the way through Because there are valuable information In all of my videos to help you get Closer to Landing your first second Third job even a side Hustle If you would like to support the channel Or become a member of the YouTube Channel make sure you hit that join Button there is a short video explaining The benefits of becoming a member of the YouTube channel shout out to everyone That's already a member of the channel I Really appreciate you don't forget to Check the community tab that is where I Engage with you I do polls I do quotes When I upload new videos I post it in There as well and remember keep pushing Keep applying don't give up there is a Job out there with your name on it but You gotta believe if you don't believe Nobody else will so go out there and Grab what is yours today by apply for These jobs thank you so much for Watching and I will see you in the next Video

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