Work From Home Reviewing Unpaid Property Claims | They Pay Your Internet | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another daily work from home job Lead for you today's job lead is from The company Jenny now please note they Only have 23 reviews on Glassdoor but They do have a 4.2 out of 5 star rating I always suggest you do your own Research on a company before giving any Of your personal information to it so as Always I have linked to this Glassdoor Page as well as the application page if You are interested in applying down in The YouTube description box below this Video but Jenny is a financial services Platform that's making renting homes More affordable and flexible they've Built multiple Financial products that Benefit both renters and a property Managers they are looking for a recovery Associate now this is remote for the United States however they are looking For somebody who can work East Coast Hour so probably Eastern Standard time So if you're out side of that time zone You'll have to convert your time to the Time zone to see if that will work for You but this is going to be a customer Service type job they're looking for Someone who is a seasoned customer Service specialist who's not afraid to Get their hands dirty working to support Their in-house adjusters partners and a Policy holders they're looking for

Somebody who has prior data entry Experience or collection experience but You'll basically review open and Unreimbursed claims and work with the Policyholders to set up repayment Arrangements either by phone or by email You'll proactively find ways to resolve Any outstanding balances on these claims And policies you'll update the claim Files to reflect the recovered accounts And amounts in those accounts and you'll Be the in-house and Recovery is Unaccessible you'll package files up and Send them out to a third party Collection vendors or agents so like bad Debt collection agencies now they are Not requiring any kind of college degree For this position they just want Somebody who has two years of work Experience some of those prior customer Service experience as someone who can Work with Google Suite stripes and desk Snapsheet all kinds of different Software programs of course you have to Have strong problem solving skills with Great attention to detail now Unfortunately they did not list pay for This position that will have to be Discussed at the time of the interview But it does say you can work anywhere in Any U.S location as long as you can work Those East Coast hours they offer a Stipend to cover not only your work from Home office setup they also offer a

Stipend for child care and for phone and Internet bills so they are going to pay Your internet for you they offer a Standard dental vision health insurance Package 401k and paid time off alright As always at the this job lead was not For you that's absolutely okay always Feel free to leave anything specific That you're looking for down in the Comments thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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