10 Work From Home Chat Positions – Work From Home Jobs Hiring Now

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All day Well face [Music] Facebook took it No they won't let me go now Uh-uh they ain't gonna take it cause I'm Blocked So no Crazy I'm gonna do it Um They restrict everything oh that's so Raggedy Very Hey y'all happy hump day come on in and Hit that like button and share this Video thank y'all I gotta go Christmas shopping for myself Hey John Happy humpback whatever [Music] That's what I was telling my sister I Gotta go Christmas shopping for myself Huh some folks don't got enough of your Money already I said yeah That's almost I'm gonna be good a couple Of months I'll be back look at everybody Get out them folks though Back in January All right be back In January Foreign We are going to wait until we get our People in

I'm pretty sure we had some people Looking for us probably at seven or Seven thirty [Music] What you over there doing on uh Wayfair Nope What I'm not going on there and what I've told you I wasn't and I'm not I Can't believe it I got it I don't Believe it I don't believe it no way Fair wow I Actually got to send something back but I just ain't idiot let me do that Tomorrow [Music] Congratulations She says hello ladies I got hired with Chat Dave oh congratulations She says thanks for mentioning it Jacqueline you got a lot of sad hustles Now I think Never can have enough Never can have enough y'all come on in How you doing happy hump day all of the Good stuff make sure you like and share One more months ago Yep I can't believe this year has gone by Fast So fast So so so fast yes it has Gone on my face We're gonna wait for a few more people To get in then we will get started

I don't think they sent the Notifications out they probably didn't You know how they do sometimes Then we're not on our regular time so Nope They'll come though you know they'll Look for us and they'll come hey [Music] Dancing to purpose she says hey ladies I'm new excited to be welcome thank you For coming Well welcome to the live stream S This started in one moment Or maybe I like all I shared ready for Y'all to drop these damn I feel like it's hot let's see how many We gonna drop tonight I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Yep y'all ready for Christmas you ready For the next holiday Let's just say Ooh Child you ain't ready I'm not we gotta look little ones to buy Stuff for And your little Niecy poo over here she Trying to break my little pockets yeah Anyway oh they be doing the most yes Honey want too much On the latest Electronics Oh I got too many of them over here that Need to probably Go to the graveyard in the sky Yeah in the sky okay I guess you do that

You got a lot you got a lot what do you Mean And I don't have many anymore you know Mine broke on me so yeah I'm still I got Desktops over here I know I got about Seven or eight desktops upstairs yeah I Got about three or four laptops in this Closet just sitting there it don't make No sense it really don't Know oh it does not it really don't I Think I only got two laptops both of Them messed up And then the other one that I just Bought so Um I am trying to be a what is it called a Minimum list I'm saying that right Yes I'm trying to do that now on as far as Like clothes and shoes and stuff Probably not But on electronics yes I'm just not no electronic person though I am oh All of his sound system I am a TV I want it all I want it all to Be like Tick Lady of course yes Thank you Hey you ready to start I am All right we will get started for those Of you who are new welcome welcome thank You for joining us for those of you who Are not new welcome back and thank you

For joining us again I am TNG Tangie is the goat and I am Carl and she Is the goat and together we are two Chicks with the side hustle on this Channel WE Post work at home jobs side Gigs and side hustles we do these lives To help you get started on your work From home Journey if you are new to Working from home if you are not new to Working from home we help you maximize Your time in your money so basically What we do is we help you make money From your computer be it through a work At home job or side gig or side hustle Um we help you maximize your income as Well as create multiple streams of Income so uh basically what we do on These lies if you are new to working From home and you're you want to get Started put I am new in the chat if you Are not new but have questions about Anything we posted across our social Media platforms or our blogs please put Them in the chat and we will answer them This is the time we set aside to answer Questions because if we answer the all The questions we get on a daily basis we Will be answering forever so uh it's Only two of us so this is the time we Set aside to answer them so if you have Any questions if you're new put that in The chat and we will help you get Started Carol will go through and read The questions and we'll answer if we

Have any mods I haven't seen any but if Any mods happen to come in the chat Um we will they will and help answer Some questions so thank you guys for Joining us we really appreciate it and Let's get started go ahead again I was reading danced into purpose she Says your great energy is contagious God Bless you thank you Hey sincerely she says Welcome to our Channel thank you for joining us Hey Jasmine she says it has went by Super fast the holiday Yes asking if you guys are ready for the Next one Christmas oh yes Have to put up my tree I think I'm gonna Put it up this weekend My son has asked me To put it up I think I'm gonna go get me A pencil tree this year I don't want a Big tree because I got that big big tree And I'm like I don't want it no more Because I don't feel like putting it Together so I think I'm gonna go get me A pencil tree Okay [Music] Let's go thank you Shawna And if you are new here I'm tuning in on our live stream And the reason why people here are Saying that they shared is because we Give away laptops on this channel so if You want a laptop be sure to like this

Video take the video and go share the Video go tell a friend invite your People over here to our Channel make Sure you drop us a comment over in the Comment section And I am going to post a beginner Friendly video if you are new check out This video this video Um gives you 20 work from home companies That will hire you with a little to no Experience also it will give you resume Tips it's also also computer Specifications to help you get started Working from home we advise you to watch The video in its entirety and if you Have any questions after that please Come back we are live Wednesdays and Sundays also apply for all 20 companies That are that is posted in this video Um that way you can maximize your chance Of getting hired I would advise you to Start applying if you are new because we Are in what we call work from home Season which means a lot of people are Hiring Um so I would apply thank you for Joining us and I'll post that video now Go ahead Hero So Tan did post a beginner friendly So for those of you that are looking Again click on that link and check out Those 20 companies Jasmine you say it's a recession Yeah it is

[Music] Get you some of these side gigs and Hustles Jasmine got those Christmas Gifts You know on this channel we talk about All things side hustle side gig And I saw where the lovely Jacqueline Was hired with chat desk so that is a Great side hustle for those of you that Want to check out check this that's a Good one It's a non-phone Skippy interview work Whenever you want now I believe they Have a wait list at this time or at this Moment but just get on the wait list you Never know they may send you an email Sometimes we could be sometimes next Week you just never know So I'll find the video And we are going to talk about 10 work From home chat positions that are Available now [Music] Okay Karima Happy hump day So deep yes it is Thank you Karima she says evening fairy Job sisters She says Share Thank you Karima so Karima is one of our Laptop winners She won a laptop the last time that we Gave away laptops so we're trying to get

To a hundred thousand subscribers before The end of the year we already have the Laptops and they are nice Because guess what guess what I bought Myself A slap top comes with a mouse And a travel bag It's a nice laptop Um So make sure you guys like comment share All of that good stuff Help us get to a hundred thousand before The end of the year and we really do Appreciate the ones that have been Sharing this great content but it is not Too late for those of you that have not Thank y'all [Music] So I did put the link for chat desk Um In the comment section or the chat box If y'all want to get on the wait list For chat desk that is a great time Dude I watched a few and thank you You're welcome she says I want to switch From customer service to healthcare Administration just very nervous about The assessments especially the typing Speed how fast can you type Carol and You can always practice I type on a good day probably like 85 Words a minute But hey I didn't start out typing 85 Words a minute so

There is a website that you can go to Carol and you can just practice I use This way And this website helped me pick up my Typing speed And I'll put the link here in the chat Um This is a free website for those of you That want to maybe practice on your Typing speed I use this website a long Time ago because I think I was typing Around maybe like 40 45 words a minute But now I can type like 80 85 on a good Day And Carol make sure you look at the Healthcare admin jobs and see what type Of skills you need and make sure you Um try to find a way to Um get the skills that you need Um you don't necessarily have to have Working skills but if you are Knowledgeable about some of the things That Healthcare admin do that may can Get you by And I would say check out this company Here I don't think that they are that hard to Get on with because we had a few people That got hired in like a couple of days So the company uh Carol it is called Broke path so broad path they have a lot Of work from home openings now they do Have like customer service but it is a Health care

A company so if you want to check them Out I do see on here where they have a Seasonal customer service rep They have a pharmacy customer service Rep And I do see Uh Uh you don't want the help desk Um member service and that is dealing With Medicare or Medicaid type of calls So check out broadcast we had quite a Few people to get hired with them hey Sherry Sherry says hey ladies Uh Shauna says hello everyone let's get Those likes Fast and Furious I promise You when every race to get those eggs And not a lot of hunting thank you Shona Hey Maureen my ring says hi ladies I Love the fairy job sisters that is so True you have found me two jobs and now I am back for a third oh wow uh yes we Have heard of ttec they have been around For a long time and congratulations [Music] And she's back for job number three so Congrats congrats to you congrats And if anybody here has worked for ttec Some people call it T-Tech but we've Been calling it ttec for years uh please Let Maureen know in the comments if you Got any feedback whether it's good bad In between put some comments and hearing About Marine Um Carol says thanks about 30 minutes

And I have a cmma oh okay She knows the HIPAA okay so she types 30 Words a minute yeah just uh like Carol Said do the typingtest.com to get your Speed up And do it consistently and it will come Yep help me out a whole lot oh yeah Hey Lisha she says I am here for the Chat job She says I don't like talking on the Phone laugh out loud but I love to help People in any way that I can thank you Beautiful ladies Welcome and thank you thank you thank You For your videos thanks for all that you Do well thank you you're welcome we Appreciate it Says okay you pronounce my name Correctly well I try I don't like Messing up people's names We do talk about work from home jobs and With like any other thing um job brick And mortar job it may take a minute for You to uh get a work from home job That's why we tell you about the side Gates and side hustles you can do Um we often promote uh side Gates and Side hustles one of them we talk about Often is mystery shopping if you're not Familiar with mystery shopping it is When you go in or Um Place calls to a business or whatever You're mystery shopping on there's so

Many companies out here do different Things apartment complexes and movie Theaters you can Mystery Shop almost Anywhere nowadays and you get paid to Pretend to be a shopper so there are a Lot of companies that do various types Of mystery shops we often promote the Source Um we have had members go test Mattresses for fifty dollars per shop um We have one of our mods Sonia she made About 250 dollars going to test Mattresses laying on mattresses for 15 To 20 minutes and writing her review on How it went and she was able to create a Stream of income that made her 250 Dollars she also did apartment shops and I have myself done apartment shops where You go into different apartment Complexes and pretend that you want to Rent an apartment Um these pay anywhere between 45 and 65 Dollars maybe more on the company often Offers bonuses so Um for like 30 45 minutes of my time I Could make about 150 dollars including The bonus just to go out and pretend to Be a renter for apartment complexes Um so there are a multitude of things You can do um there are even things we Have done from home Carol did a lot of The telephone mystery shopping where she Uh called and pretended to to be Anything from a student to a alcoholic

So Um There are all a lot of things that you Can do if you are just looking to create Multiple streams of income in your home Um we preach multiple streams of income Carol and I both have multiple streams Of income and if you are diligent and if You are consistent you can have multiple Strands of income also it doesn't take a Lot of work Um Carol and I have been doing this for Years we've been doing work from home Since 2006 Um when we got in it there was not a lot Of information so a lot of things we had To learn on our own which is why we Created these platforms so you wouldn't Have to uh start like we did but Um again we just say if you're not Getting your work from home jobs fast Enough if you are needing something Quickly check out these side gigs and Side hustles I promise if you are Consistent with them and you figure out Strategies that will help you we often Say hey YouTube If you are doing these Side gig side hustles you may be doing a Testing side gig where you're testing Websites Google Um information about it learn how other People are making money on these money On these side gigs and side hustles it Helps to do us research

Um a lot of people get frustrated and Don't want to put in the time to Research but with you know anything if You do the research and you figure out Things to do it the money will come and You have to be patient I think a lot of People want to go in and just say hey I'm gonna start making 50 to 100 a day On some of these side hustles I'm not Saying it is impossible but I'm saying That you do have to put in the work Um there's no secret to it Um I was doing mturk making sixty Dollars a day I did not start off making Sixty dollars a day believe me I was not I did not start right off but I set a Goal for myself and I worked my way up To it and I'm saying if you do those if You have a side gig side hustle that you Don't mind doing and that you'll put in Some consistent work and it will profit You some money it will be worth your Time Um Jasmine says I just did that typing Test for three minutes it says that I Can type it's good Jasmine 53 words per Minute okay Um she's asking is broad path contract 1099 not that we know of I believe it's W-2 Um John is asking how much does Ellis Pay an hour to look at the apartments And do you need a body cam John

Ellis doesn't pay per hour they pay per What they call shop or per apartment you Do so Um I could go in and it'll take me 30 Minutes to do the shop and I'll make Probably between 45 and 65 dollars that Is what they were paying the last time That I did it now they and they pay Bonuses and sometimes the bonuses are You know ninety dollars eighty dollars It just depends so you can make a 150 at Least in less than an hour and like I Say if you are consistent in doing them They will send you these things Consistent Ellen still sends me Apartment shops and I have not done Apartment shops in over seven years so And they still send them to me because When I did them I did them consistently And that's why they still send it to to Me I could in a good month seven or Eight years ago make easy a thousand Dollar I found Ellis a month And that was February eight years ago So yeah and you don't need a body cam Either no and no you're just going they Give you a list of instructions you Follow those instructions send the Paperwork that you need and they will Credit your account Easy money Easy Shawna says gig jobs is a great resource Everyone go check it out thank you Shona

Uh says which shop is just on the phone Um we got it on the blog Jasmine Hang on one second because I think I got It pulled up I know yachty Matrix is one and you Already I believe will start hiring next Month in December I think that's the information that Somebody sent us Yeah I think it was January right Next huh I said it was either uh The January or March Again for the winners Oh was it January I think it's December Oh December okay I put the link Jasmine in the chat if You want to check out these companies She says I love you guys and I hope to Finally get my first work from home job You will Kawana what state do you live in Uh Mrs Lewis hey Mrs Lewis she says I Start with broad path on the 21st Congratulations She says Hey two cheeks and everyone in The chat everyone's Wednesday Thank you Sierra It is going great Um she says I got a virtual interview With instant teams that I have to do Well you got to do it tonight okay Good luck

Congratulations that's a good that's Good Uh uh John says do y'all know of any Coming up for working from home Now I will say everized John they have Like Zoom Uh every single day so if you want to Try everize we talked about them I think The last live stream we did they are one Of the quick hire companies if you're Wanting to work from home Let me go find a video Um they were fun of this live stream That we did About a week or so ago And everize was one of them because we Had a few people to get hired with a day For Everest everized broad path Omni I can't think of the other two But check Out this video You Were Here But we did this little live stream Uh let's see They hire within like one or two days They have like the Zoom I believe Um hiring quote unquote hiring events Um hey Ann n says do you know the names Of work from home educational and or Science companies Like a tutor a teacher Do you know the names Can you hear me Yeah okay hold on Do you know the name educational or

Science companies are you looking for Like research companies is that what You're looking for Or are you trying to be like a Tutor Um Buckeye asset claim are you asking 800 to a thousand because I see 800 to 100 but I'm thinking you're mean Anything like that yep that's possible I've made on a good month 2000. So it's totally possible Um I've seen people make 3 000 a month Off of cambly Uh dancing to purpose says yes I highly Recommend mystery shops Um I did one where I had to try on Clothes for 75 dollars wow Okay Shona Uh gig Rod it is on our blog two chicks With the side hustle I'll put it here Uh in the chat one second Let's go over to the blog and look under The spotlight job section it is Highlighted in pink it'll say Spotlight Job look for Ellis So Shawna says um she does this storage Shops You know any day that your jobs where I Can work independently without logging Into a private server Um no because The only way that [Music] Um

You're gonna be able to work there with Their data is to be able to log on to Their Server in their Network and perform the Work unless they're giving like Spreadsheets to download and upload and I used to work for a company like that They don't they're not in business Anymore Um but I don't know of any [Music] Um Because I don't think um Data scrubs is in business anymore Yes John The show he was asking does Ellis ask For your social security number and are There other apartment shops besides Ella's yep I just put a link to the Telephone Mystery Shop companies Um Yardi Matrix is the other one but this One Is on the phone and they Um tomorrow I guess they'll start hiring Tomorrow but you can check on their site It's called yard Matrix Um But if you don't want to give them your Social you can get an EIN number Uh She says hey ladies I'm having trouble With tellers they will send me an email

Stating that they have contacted me but I don't see it did you check in your Spam folder More than likely it's probably in your Spam Shauna says congrats to all of you that Have interviewed or upcoming interviews [Music] Kishana Um Hey makes adorable she says hi ladies And chat Hey Lisa she says hey ladies In a minute no we've been on vacation Holiday Okay cool wanna try uh Omni interactions They have the last time I checked Over there they had So go to our blog I'll put the link here Look under the spotlight job section It's highlighted in pink and look for Omni interactions Um Sierra says thank you I need a part-time Job ASAP congrats to Mrs Lewis Courtney hi Courtney she says I just Wanted to say tomorrow is my last day For the three-day training with Chad Dez Congratulations [Music] Pray for the best well go ahead Courtney You don't get it Desk [Music]

We had a lot of people to hear back from Check this And if they skipped the internet phone Side Hustle [Music] Oh let me find a link again because I Just posted it we had another young lady Here the lovely Jacqueline she got hired At chat desk I think Um self got her at chat desk uh was it Mixed I think it was Meeks Also Uh-huh And it may say it's a wait list that's Okay just get on the waitlist and wait For them to email you they could email You in the week it could be two weeks it Could be tomorrow we don't really know But we're just gonna put the information Out as to get this good side hustle egg In your basket so make sure y'all go Check it out Ain't Tamia I hope I said that right she Says I work for Omni and I love it well Congratulations Hey Jay McClinton long time ago she says Hi everyone Is a great comment Um Silver fox says hello ladies and Everyone in the chat Uh Jay says Campbell is accepting Creators I just apply but thank you Thank you thank you for the info hey 1am

Hi everyone Ah Gig right says do y'all have American Call center jobs for people in Nigeria Home It won't be American call centers per se But we do know some companies that do Hire outside of the USA if that's what You're asking we can put them here in The uh in the chat Um so Ian says for educational work from Home no tutoring but achievement test Scoring With the education Pearson right score uh Casper is another One I think of the other one that was One more and I can't you know Um so gig right share I'll put some jobs Here you may want to Google them to get The correct links to apply so I put a few companies here that hire Outside of the US Success And and we do know a few Um for the scoring And I'll put them here We'll have to Google them to get the Actual links to apply Now if they're hiring though but these Are the companies Um John you would have to go to the Irs.gov gov Elizabeth says yes ma'am congrats Everyone who has been hired or has

Interviews you got this And the Ein it is free hey Jasmine Mm-hmm Also Elizabeth says that they would not Accept the Ein only an SSN thank you Elizabeth for Ellis okay okay she says You cannot use an EIN for that one oh Okay you gotta pay the taxes John on the Money so there is no way around if You're working from home and if you're Thinking about like that under the table Because we get this question a lot so Let me address it if you're if you want To work from home and you're thinking That these companies are going to pay You under the table That's not gonna happen they gonna take The bullet for 600 or more if you make This money you're gonna have to pay the Taxes on the money so so sorry about That John if that's what you're thinking You're gonna have to give your social or Some type of Ein to these companies Because they're not gonna pay the taxes If you make the money trust and believe You're gonna have to pay the taxes and Don't pay him the IRS is going to come Looking for you because I know quite a Few people that do the 1099s and they Was thinking that oh this is like free Money and they did not pay the taxes on The money so yes the IRS they came Looking for them so you don't you don't Want to be like them people

Uh Jay it is a non-phone side hustle and You can work it how you want to work it It's a chat position Um Check this So I feel interested in working for a Chat desk it is a non-phone Skippy Interview work whenever you want A good little egg to get in your basket We've had a lot of people here to hear Back from the company also and get hired Then she says Hey ladies They always learning Congratulations congratulations I applied to tell us but was denied any Tips about getting hired I would like a Non-phone work-at-home job always Learning where do you live because tell Us they are specific That could be a reason why they denied You but I don't know Hey Mickey Mickey says hey I'm back Looking for something easy we wore shift Smart out Foreign [Music] Try verifest There's something well they do a lot of Political surveys Um I don't know What shift smart was paying Um

I know right no they're not paying that But if you just listen to something to Do I would try uh Real fast they they do the same they do Some of the same type of work as um Shift smart You're right Make it safe we will without It'll probably pick back up after the Holidays usually Hey Kyrie she says hello hello YouTube Didn't tell me there was a live yeah we Figured that Kyrie because when we first Jumped on here we didn't have that many People but now I think people are Sharing and it's getting pushed out There yep Ah princess Lee says I actually did poor On my chat desk training and now I'm Feeling discouraged Uh If you don't get it I would just say Reapply since you already went through Gets to know what it's about If they don't hire you I would just wait And apply Jamie Clinton she says canva is Accepting people who want to make Digital products and sell the website Instead of etsy okay Cool little side Hustle Um Candice says are any of these chat Jobs 1099 now we do know that chat desk Is Candace they are 10.99

Uh conversation is nice have to check Out their canva AJ says got a second Interview with Sedgwick all right Hey man she says hello So I'll repost the link for chat desk It's just a nice little side hustle guys Get on the way please If they have they still wait list I Don't know somebody said they applied And they were on the wait list or placed On the wait list you're welcome in says Thanks for the scoring companies Converse says the IRS has 12 years so Just because you get away with it today Doesn't mean they won't come knocking Later that's right Because they want their money honey Um You live in Connecticut hang on one Second I always learn let me see if they Got Connecticut on here I'm gonna look uh huh I got the list right here I'm gonna look And see okay I think Connecticut is on here but let Me double check though And if it is on here and they have Denied you that means that they have Enough People in that state And they are on here So I would apply again if you get denied Then that means that they do have enough People in your state for that particular

Position Cyber groupie says what are suggestions For a remote Tech job What type of tech experience do you have Cyber grouping If you're an entry-level try Transcom.com they do Um They do remote work for Apple Um we have a tech blog work at home Tech Jobs.com there's some uh Tech Support Over there uh you may want to check it Out we posted the Amazon one today over There I think Yes yes Mickey says I am currently doing a test For tell us all right And they are hiring guys like crazy let Me go find the link for tell us tell us The recruiter she reached out to us Again so we promote two jobs with Tellers and they're two different Recruiters so this recruiter here they Need about I would say maybe like a Hundred 150 people for the U.S Raider Position So this one guys it pays 14 an hour There is no interview you can pretty Much pick and choose when you want to Work up to 20 hours per week and all You're doing is logging in rating Different webs and things like that You're giving feedback basically

So if anybody wants to apply for I am going to be sure to put the link Here in the chat Okay Um This is for the Raider position And they are State specific so I'll put The link along with the states Because I don't want to waste nobody's Time and you apply it and you said up They don't hide and I stayed I didn't Apply for no reason Carl didn't tell me That These are the states Live in in order to apply for Telus Oops I'd have messed up I didn't get the States hang on I guess I didn't copy them right Kyrie says always learn and try we Localize they are just like they are Similar to The teller Yeah same position I do believe I think They get at a rate of position I'm gonna List Now the thing about we localize I'm not Sure if they are State specific or not That I don't know So these are the states that you must Live in for Tell us Um Jasmine was asking what is shift Smart Mickey answer to Jasmine she says It's a telephone survey job hey Jessica Hey short lady

Stepped up in the building Jessica says I enjoyed the Mystery Shop Jobs any leads on mystery shops girl we Got a lot of them yeah Foreign I don't know which ones you're looking For Or if you're also outside the house but I'll put both of them here so these are The telephone Y'all keep an eye for yachty Matrix they Are Going to start hiring again we heard It was the month of December 100 sure But that's what we heard For the telephone mystery shops and they Do the apartment shop so this one is Similar to Ellis the only thing Ellis Um Okay so I see you here guys it's in Applications it begins January the put it on your calendar for January the 3rd so you can apply for This one tan and I both used to work for You already made Matrix The easy one egg if you do a good job They'll just continue to let you work There year after year after year and They've been in business Um I want to say I see it on here it Says two thousand Yeah because we started it because we Used to work today With this company

Oh a something like that Um so just mark your calendar January The third they will be higher again For Foreign Are you buffering you You are Locked in I don't know where she's at I think Carol has frozen I'll keep going In the chat Candace says okay thank you And congrats to all those getting Interviews and jobs thank you Candace Hey Pamela she said conduit hired me in Live Ops and Working Solutions too many To pick but can do it it is Congratulations Pamela and let us know How you like can do it it's all right Happy hump day she said she's liked and Shared okay I'll let Carol know Um she says she's glad she comes alive Y'all give out good info thank you thank You tari we appreciate it Um Carol will be back hey Maureen she Says FYI ladies I'm with click worker Other side okay and she said they Notified their no use longer using PayPal but payoneer Um we currently have a uh side hustle Marine that gets paid through payoneer So yes I am familiar with payoneer Um It is kind of like a third party payment System so what will happen is they will

Transfer your Um money to payoneer and then payoneer Will transfer it to your bank account There's no fees involved Um it'll just it's just like a third Party holding company where your money Is held and then pay a network chance First so yeah I'm payoneer is a legit Company I was talking to Maureen she Asked about payoneer she said click Worker will no longer pay through PayPal They're only doing payoneer and I just Told her we had a side hustle that gets Paid through payoneer Oh okay yeah Okay Um hey Chris he said hey tan last week You're talking about adding storage or Memory do you know anything about adding External memory what Um external memory is just like a External hard drive I don't have mine Here Um so you can or it it could be a USB Drive that you just sticked in your Computer now sometimes when you're Working Um I think when I was working at who was That Working Solutions they had you put A USB in your computer and you had to Load your computer from that USB but That's different but external memory That's something totally different you Cannot the memory that I was talking

About last week was actually Ram which Is random access memory which is how Um fast your computer programs come up How fast Um how fast your program you can go from One per program to the next that's a Different type of memory than the External hard drive memory hard drives Lets you put programs on your computer You can store files and things like that On the hard drive what I was talking About was random access memory and That's different so if you're needing More random access memory from what I Know that can only be used internally Um it may be different now I haven't Done that sector of I.T in a while but From what I know Um Ram is only internal and the hard Drive space is external but if you um Need something just put it in the chat Um what what are you trying to do It says what type of headset do you use For Via source Oh so as I know John just a regular Headset like what I got on uh Plantronics or I think this is what I got saying Acoustic yeah I got a little cheap one John from the Plantronics and you can get a Logitech This is the h390 these are the ones we Give away on the channel a lot of times So

Um this is the one that we've used for Years the same brand same model Um And I put the name John down in the chat If you want to go on Amazon and look it Up Uh hey Miss V's world she says hi ladies I just hopped on are you still giving Laptops away yes always Continue So make sure y'all go share all of that Good stuff tell a friend what we do on This channel and what we are all about Um Tiffany say she got denied for Telus The first time but she would go back to Apply all right Because they do need some people People hey Jessica Uh bison Berry says I recently got Signed up with fancy Technical difficulties work genius Upwork and Guru trying to get All right Hey hey YouTube is acting up today I hope y'all Got some rest and enjoyed your holiday I Missed y'all liked and shared well thank You thank you Tan worked me to death Indian D not just A joke I'm like what I hate when I get halfway halfway Through something and they don't accept Applications for my state I do

Understand Candace Glam cam is a laptop winner and if y'all Want to see what the laptop looks like Go over to Glam Cam's Channel she Supports our Channel go over there show This queen some love go follow her watch Some videos all of that good stuff Thank you Glam cam She says hey ladies how are you I'm Ready what did I miss nothing Um John says do y'all know of any Tech Tester jobs Side gig website testing like user Testing Um what is a user field Um your user lytics Related website testing Um What was the first one I said I forget User field user testing userlytics Okay Mickey says yes yardi Matrix told me the End of December they want you to send Your resume in for the job so yeah I Heard what you said Mickey said send That resume At the end of December well yeah that's An easy one guys you want to get that Egg in your basket because you're just Calling different apartment complex and You are pretending to be a renter So that's the easy one when I would call They would have me calling the ones over On the West Coast

And I already had my little words Together on how I was gonna do it what I Was gonna say because they know they've Got smart and they know that people are Going to be calling so yeah I'm gonna Wait for you to get down there read that Uh show later she says I hope everyone Had a great Thanksgiving thank you sure Lady see hey Tyree Uh Tiffany says congrats to everyone Pamela says congrats Um [Music] Maureen says thanks you're the best hey Diamond [Music] Diamond face hey Fairy Godmother yay yep Uh conduit is hiring Pamela they are Yeah thank you Mickey Mickey says I Always like and share these videos they Are very helpful to me my family and Friends thanks to both of you [Music] Tyree mines work pretty good on the Background noise I'm not gonna say a Hundred percent but usually when I like Record the videos I got a little barking Dog And you can't hear her on the videos Barking at least I hope y'all can't hear Some people say get a fan Some people Okay Martin is asking are some of the Jobs part-time for college students

Yeah we do have some part-time jobs okay Martin I would say a lot of them Beginner friendly ones I would say I Think are the best because they're Flexible A lot of these are 10.99 so you Can pretty much work around your Schedule Please do here say Mickey Short lady she says that she is also she Wants y'all to know she's also a laptop Winner and the last shot is nice For your feedback Glam Camp says you're welcome and thank You all for all that you do you're the Best thank you Glam camp Uh hey Miss Lynette I thought you was my sister for a minute Playing on the computer Yes we do have some companies that hire In California matter of fact I'm gonna Drop one tonight when we get off of here But you are more than welcome to look on Our customer service blog tan usually Tries to post a lot of we posted one on The two chicks today that may be the one You gonna do tonight so I won't say but There is there is one there I'm gonna put the uh I'm gonna put the blog link here Um Miss Lynette so you can check out the Jobs It's work at home CS jobs.com A lot of those posted on them they are Like specific to California and New York

If you got anybody here just watching From New York check on this blog here Work at home csjobs.com if anybody's Looking for the non-phone jobs I know We're gonna do these chat jobs in a few Seconds Go over here to the non Phoneworkathome.com blog if you're Looking for like non-phone chat email Text transcription Hi Susan Um the one that we can think of Kawana Kawana was asking are there any Part-time work from home positions for Teenagers I would say U-Haul U-Haul you can be 16 with U-Haul and Work Mm-hmm I don't have the direct link Kawana just Google U-Haul careers or U-Haul work at home jobs and it should Come up Um Kyrie says I can't wait to see what Gigs people get from work genius I've Had good luck on there [Music] You sure have And let me put the Um Thank you Susan she says Hi Carl bless Y'all thank you let me put the link and Then we're gonna get to the jobs let me Do this one last thing for Kmart because She wanted the college student and um So let's help out Kmart and put this big

Um I would say also they would probably be Going back to school by that time I'm just trying to think I was thinking About into it but they'll probably be Going back to school Oh yeah yeah It's okay Check on this uh this this is a video so We got 10 job now we got 20 on this one We got 20 beginner friendly companies Posted and I want to say the majority of These if you are a college student or You know somebody that's in college Anybody here is talking specifically to K but anybody else here these are Flexible companies guys so I put the Link in the chat These out you can pretty much pick and Choose your own hours days times and all Of that Okay okay she said she has some college Students that need to work while out on Break okay thank you Kay for sharing We'll be sure to put you down for a Laptop hey on we on WE says hi Angels hi Everyone I know I am late well you're Here Yeah okay go ahead team All right guys so we have 10 chat Positions Carol will put the link in the Chat I am going to do about five of them Maybe four depends on I'm getting sleepy So everybody know I get sleepy so the

First one is a customer chat agent For Um Support Services groups and they're Looking for someone to work their Rapidly growing company with room for Advancement your reply to chats by Helping other with billing and Technical And service questions addresses customer Issues build sustainable relationships Follow communication procedures and Guidelines Um they offer four weeks paid training To teach you all about their products And services you'll earn 14 an hour you Get health and vision after 90 days Um they this will allow you to work from The Comforts of your own home and They're going to provide you a PC oh no No I'm sorry you must provide your own Equipment it can be a Macbook or a Windows machine so they do not provide The equipment So check them out Um The next company Is data box and they're looking for a Customer support specialist Um you'll provide accurately and Accurate and timely and valuable support Through chat and emails to the data box Users uh monitor their unassigned cues Refer customers with your onboarding With their onboarding and management Accounts you'll collaborate with the

Technical team you need two years Customer service experience experience Using popular Marketing sales and Business as a software as a service like Google analytic Linux or Google ads Um you'll experience in using business Intelligent tools like data box Experience querying data from SQL Servers I'm sorry SQL databases and Experience pulling and manipulating data Data via apis so Um check that out A little sound like Um Cleo is looking for a customer Champion They're looking for someone for their 24 7 Um call center needs you'll be doing Live chatting through the Clio app this Is a part-time position Um it will suit someone who is looking To work between 20 to 25 hours a week Um anywhere between 8 A.M and 8 P.M over Seven days a week Um this is a 18 hour uh dollar an hour Position so make sure you check it out Let's go I may need to do that Um and the last one is a customer Support agent for wanderoo and they're Looking for someone to do live chat and Email based customer service I'm Reviewing and approving travel reviews Monitoring conversations on social media

Routing inbound conversations Conversations you need excellent writing Skills a writing sample will be Requested remote work experience is a Plus three years in Customer Service Holiday and weekend availability this is A part-time position Um work five days a week Monday Thursday Friday from 2 P.M to 9 00 p.m Eastern Standard Time Um Saturday and Sunday on off schedule Around three to four hours spread Throughout the day So check them out and there are seven Other ones guys that are on that list That you can check out make sure you go Over there and check them out all of Them are chat positions so make sure you Check them out Carol will put the link In the chat It's there I was reading Um Missy she says play test Maybe last year And they keep emailing me saying that You know they need people to test those Games so I'll make sure that we redo a Video on them and thank you so much for Your feedback uh Hey PT she says hello To chicks we've got a session with your Guests covering the taxes as a 1099 Worker yes Um yes we will do it at the end of

December Um I didn't get the date yet but I'll Get the I'll have the date uh this Weekend I'll let you know on uh Sunday's Live Okay That's here Uh let me go find it uh Tarry As well We did a video on them and we'll just Redo it Oh okay It's been a while Yep I said let me go get branded surveys Linked so you start talking about it All right guys we are going to uh wrap It up thank you so much for joining us We appreciate you don't forget to check Out Telus they are looking for online For us Raiders that position pays 14 an Hour it is flexible non-phone so make Sure you check it out also they are Looking for online data analysts that Position pays 14.50 Um and they that is online off as well As uh non-phone and flexible don't Forget to check out Omni interactions They are hiring do they still have the Seth Place client Care and check that they do though last Time I look they did They do have a self-placed client so

That means that you will have a Self-paced training so if you are Someone who needs that self-paced Training make sure you check out Omni Interactions um they are on our two Chicks blog also don't forget to check Out branded surveys we have people Making between 15 and 50 a day on Branded survey so make sure y'all check Them out anything else I think you said everything man thank You so much for joining us we really Appreciate you don't forget to check us Out on Sunday we will be back live don't Forget to bring your questions you guys Have a great night Thank you everyone for joining us Y'all have a good night and we will last Monday Yes they did yeah

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