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Okay this is a little something for my International viewers out there optiva Is a leading provider of mission Critical Cloud narrative Cloud native Revenue management software for the Telecommunications industry if you live In the Middle East or Europe this is for You it is full-time remote and you may Also have to assume a ready to take Emergency call rotation once a month or 24 7 availability is required probably Because it is international the Responsibilities and duties for this Role are to take ownership of support Incidents and use all available Resources to resolve them update the Knowledge base articles with the Solutions consistently improve the Quality of your work by taking in Feedback and coaching and provide expert Guidance and share knowledge to team Members the eligibility for this is you Must be fluent in written in spoken English five plus years of experience in A customer facing agent support space Proficiency in Unix and Linux knowledge Of telecommunications experience and Telco charging software engineering Excellent problem solving and Troubleshooting you could take emergency Shifts a degree in computer science or Engineering and proven experience in a Similar role for the tech skills you Need to be well-versed in current

Software obviously Linux and Unix as I Said and familiarity with HP server Remote admin and EMC storage devices is Also a plus these are specific technical Skills that will be considered a plus And then some of the soft skills Required like I said time management Troubleshooting and problem solving Skills and excellent written and verbal Communication skills in English now Since there was no rate of pay for this I will pop a screenshot of an estimate That I found online however this is just Meant to Aid as an estimate you will Have to reach out to the company prior Before applying to get the exact rate of Pay or ask during your interview if this Job is something you would like to look Into more to pursue to apply for you can Find that link in the description box Below now this one was not for you on Your screen are two other great job Leads I've also posted check those out You might find a better match for Yourself there my face icon is on the Screen you can click that too to also Subscribe to this channel so you never Miss an upload best of luck on your Applications and I will talk to you in My next video bye

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