$1,009 To $1,298 Week NON-PHONE Email & Chat Work From Home Job 2023 | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends and happy happy Monday and this is Lindsay back with Another non-phone work from home job Lead for you this one is going to be Doing customer service through email and Chat and they are paying very very well Of course the links to everything I Share are always in the YouTube Description box below this video today's Job lead is from the company splice now I've called this splice music they are a Music company I think like a music Streaming company they have a 3.8 out of 5 star rating on Glassdoor and they are Looking for a customer experience agent To work remote now this is for my United States folks only but they say music Starts at splice they are cultivating an Essential ecosystem for Music Creation With Innovative audio products that Inspire and enable artist but they are Basically looking for somebody to work With their product specialist and Customer experience a manager to handle A diverse range of inquiries from their Users you'll engage with these customers Via email and real-time chat and then Through their FAQ knowledge base you'll Report any technical bugs that you find A to the product or engineering teams You'll help identify problems with Friction points of the users and help Them come up with Solutions and you'll Draw on your understanding of Music

Creation in order to help the users Achieve their creative goals now as far As what they are looking for they are Not requiring any kind of college degree They're looking for someone who is Passionate about creating music has Prior customer service experience can be Compassionate and empathetic towards Fellow musicians of course you have to Have great written and verbal Communication skills be a team a player In very detail-oriented and highly Organized if that sounds like you They're paying anywhere from 52 500 a Year all the way up to 67 500 a year all Right if you've made it to the end of This video I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me as Always feel free to leave anything Specific that you're looking for in the Comments even if I'm not always Responding I do read those and keep that In mind when I am searching for job Leads to share I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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