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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and back with Another job for you guys and this one Right here is coming from the company Soleil Credit Union okay and this is a Credit union based in Seattle Washington I did look at the application you do not Have to be in Seattle to work this job But you do have to be in the U.S and This is a full-time opportunity so let's Go ahead and get straight into the Details so this job can be performed Fully remote but the position requires The ability to work a schedule of 9 A.M To 5 30 p.m Pacific time and a rotating Saturday of 10 to 2 p.m is required for All team members so for whatever time Zone you're in you will have to adjust That to your time zone okay so as far as Experience they want you to have one to Two years of retail banking or call Center experience also the ability to Build sustainable relationships and Trust with members through open and Eager to assist communication be excited To learn about salal's products and Services and have X excellent customer Service skills so you will be working in A cost center environment answering Incoming calls from the members you will Need to adhere to policies and Procedures to protect their members Personal and account information and of

Course you're going to have to provide Exceptional customer service you will Get benefits with this job and the job Is going to pay between 17 and 24 an Hour most candidates can expect to Receive an offer with an annual salary Within 35 to 60 percent of the Identified range let's take a look at The application it doesn't look to be Too long so of course if you're Interested in applying you can find the Link in the description bar you guys Know that I wish you the best of luck Make sure to leave any questions or Comments below and as usual thank you Guys so much for watching I'll see you In my next video

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