$18-$27 Hourly Full Time Work From Home Job! Paid Training & Benefits! NEW Work From Home Job

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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company Prime and they're currently Looking for a claims auditor and of Course you're going to be working from Home that's what we do over here on this Channel and this is a full-time job so This job does have a pretty decent pay Let's go ahead and get straight into the Details you will be reviewing benefit Plans to ensure that claims are being Adjudicated accurately and consistently According to Magellan contracts you're Going to audit claims for financial Accuracy and you're going to be Responsible for documenting and Reporting issues found and assist with The establishment and updating of Processes and audit manuals you will Identify areas where issues exist and Work with appropriate individuals to Ensure resolution you're going to also Complete special focused audits as Assigned by management and train and Mentor new Auditors and work with Trainers to audit and develop trainees You will act as a resource for the Auditing team you need to have Experience with multiple claims Processing systems also knowledge of

Coordination and benefit guidelines and Understanding of the adjustment and Resolution process good interpersonal Skills strong written and verbal Communication skills one year of health Claims audit experience and also Experience with Magellan's multiple Claims processing system okay you will Need a GED you don't need a degree for This job right here and the shop is Going to pay between 1850 and 27.75 Cents an hour you can click on their Benefits page to see their full list of Benefits of course if you guys are Interested in applying check out that Link in the description bar make sure to Leave any questions or comments below And as usual I thank you guys so much For watching I'll see you in my next Video and good luck to everyone who Applies for the job

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