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Hello hello hello welcome back and if It's your first time here welcome my Name is CeCe and I post these videos Daily to help you guys out so if you are Looking for daily work from home drop Leads Financial videos hot topics Anyways to make money keep money build That wealth I got you today I'm sharing A job through Telus International it's a Lead transcriber for quality assurance They do hire internationally so if you Are based out of the US I recommend you Go check their job board and see what They have for you but I wanted to share This job with you specifically because It's 18 per hour that's the highest I've Seen them pay this is a great role Anywhere in the US Monday through Sunday With flexible hours it is a temp Freelance contracted role for 10 to 12 Weeks you can start ASAP and for each Set of transcriptions you get 56 bucks Divide that by 18 you can see how many Hours you are going to be working Approximately so a little bit about the Project submarine you Um the focus of the study is to gen Generate audio recordings on a mobile Device using a list of provided prompts And then the transcription team will be Responsible for transcribing each set of Recorded prompts and providing quality Assurance so it's kind of like a Transcribing role on steroids you will

Be the lead transcriber so this means That you will be reviewing the Transcriptions made by others providing Quality assurance and project or Producing a definitive transcription Your main responsibilities review them Provide quality assurance transcribe and Communicate with the production team Since this is a lead in a more executive Role they are looking for either a Bachelor's of arts and Linguistics Computational Linguistics similar so it Could be Communications it could be even Honestly English would be good International Studies I believe they do Want you to have one to two experiences With transcription editing and or Quality assurance a high level of Writing proficiency you can work as a Part of a dynamic production team your Native language you speak is U.S English The ability to learn or to listen and Accurately transcribe recordings Comfortable learning new technology Detail-oriented you're flexible and you Can manage time effectively so they Would like you to send your resume in English to the link provided here if you Guys would like to apply to this I will Have the link to do so directly on my Website you can access that from the Description box below if this one was Not for you on your screen are two other Videos I've also posted check those out

You might find a better match for Yourself there click my face to Subscribe so you never miss an upload And I will talk to you in my next video Bye

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