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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and this is Going to be a job paying between 20 and 27 an hour this one right here is coming From the company Rady Children's Hospital okay so they are looking for a Customer service especially with this Job right here you got to be responsible For administering the collection Philosophy of Rady's Children's Hospital San Diego for also pay accounts you're Going to identify accounts with a Self-pay balance after insurance is paid And those without insurance will collect On those accounts you will assist the Families with financial assistance Applications and you're going to work With families to establish payment plans In accordance with Hospital policy and Monitor the payment plans for compliance You will also receive incoming telephone Calls and assist families with Information pertaining to their accounts And you do need to understand statements And previous insurance payments and you Will need to check medical eligibility And apply share of costs and update Accounts with insurance information You're going to receive patient Complaints in regards to billing and Take appropriate action based upon Policy and procedures and so they just Want you to have a high school diploma

Or GED two years of experience and they Would prefer if you had an associate's Degree three years of experience and Also bilingual in English and Spanish And again you will get paid between 20 And 27 an hour okay so you will need to Register to apply for this job of course If you're interested in applying check Out that link in the description bar Make sure to leave any questions or Comments below and as usual I thank you Guys so much for watching I'll see you In my next video good luck to everyone Who applies for the job

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