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Hello what is up welcome back if it's Your first time here welcome today we Have a remote chat support role 23 to 29 Per hour I love chat agents because for The introverts who want to work in Customer service want a high paying gig But do not want to talk on the phone This is for you it's through First Quality laboratory they are looking for A live customer chat support agent to Handle incoming support questions via Live chat on the business's website and Social media accounts so you must have a Device to be able to access social media And the website chat functions work Independently a reliable internet Connection you can closely follow Provided steps and instructions and that Is literally it there there is not much More to this it originally came from go Higher which updates jobs constantly so You can apply directly through this link On the site I will have it in the Description box below for your ease and Convenience if this one was not for you On your screen are two other great Videos I've also posted check those out You might find a better match for Yourself there click my face on the Screen to subscribe so you never miss an Upload and I will talk to you in my next Video bye

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