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Hello there good morning welcome back to My Channel or if you're new hey what's Up for the first time my name is CeCe I Post these videos daily I hope those of You who celebrated over the past weekend Had a great time with family loved ones Close friends Etc And for those of you who did spend the Holiday weekend alone I'm sending you All my love from Vegas diving into Today's job lead this first one is a Production host through Wright Solutions LLC we're looking at 20 to 25 dollars Per hour part-time and you guys know I Like to Jazz it up and share some more Interesting type leads with you so this Is a podcast host and I thought this Could be pretty fun for those of you who Do like to use your voice and who like To talk so are you a great Storyteller Able to speak through a unique Community Perspective would you like to have your Own podcast we're looking for Individuals who are interested in Devoting a few hours weekly on our Platform to host live conversations with Guests friends and strangers the Position summary is to host and develop Live talks that incorporate news local Gossip music current events and pop Culture you do need prior experience Using Clubhouse which is an app where You can speak and host basically virtual

Meetings via voice you must be fluent in English how have an iPhone and access to Reliable internet and at least be 18 Years of age and older you can read a Little bit more about the company but Like I said part-time 20 to 25 per hour A four hour shift ish about per week Bonus pay commission pay and people with A criminal record are encouraged to Apply which is great that means they're Not going to be doing a background check And you can work and do this so of Course it is remote they're looking for Multiple people I will also be applying So when you go to the link that I'm Going to provide to you it's their Application page fill that out it won't Be indeed it'll be their direct Application page fill that out send it Over and I'm wishing you guys the best Of luck so if you would like the link to Access that application page you can Find it on my website work from home With cc.com that'll be in the Description box below if this one was Not for you on your screen are two other Videos I've also posted check those out You might find a better match for Yourself there click guy face to Subscribe so you never miss an upload And I will talk to you in my next video Bye

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