$27.50 HOURLY Side Hustle! NO CALLS, or TALKING, Part Time Work From Home Job

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this Is going to be a part-time no phone no Customer service type job it's coming From the company Asia affinity and They're looking for part-time fully Remote proofreaders to work in the U.S So let's go ahead and get into the Details this job does have a pretty good Pay for a part-time job so they are Seeking a detail-oriented proofreader to Support time sensitive proofreading Requests for marketing materials the Proofreader reviews agious marketing Materials for grammar and punctuation to Ensure that all marketing or corporate Materials are accurate and production Ready proofreaders review prior to the Implementation of marketing campaigns Including Direct Mail Packages Collateral materials emails client Websites and landing pages and the Proofreader should expect to work an Average of four hours per week in a Fully remote capacity all materials sent For proofing are to be returned Within 24 hours with 100 accuracy so it says That you need to have an associate's Degree two years in the editing or Publishing industry English language and Grammar intermediate Proficiency in Microsoft Office intermediate

Proficiency and Adobe Acrobat Intermediate proficiency and Adobe Document Cloud intermediate Proficiency In Gmail and a personal computer with Internet connectivity and the ability to Download and use Adobe document Cloud The pay for this job is 27.50 an hour so Again this is going to be like a side Hustle part-time job for you so here's The application right here of course if You guys have any questions or comments Feel free to leave those below and as Usual I appreciate you guys so much for Watching I'll see you in my next video And good luck to those who apply for the Job

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