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Hello there welcome back to my channel And if it's your first time here welcome My name is CeCe and I post daily videos On this channel with a bunch of Different Financial work from home Remote job content anything to help you Make money on your own terms so click That red subscribe button below it's 100 Free and let me help you guys so I Wanted to share this job board with you I love sharing job boards because it's a Lot easier for you knowing your personal Skills and qualifications to go find the Perfect match for yourself apply to it And not feel the pressure to have to do It quickly and compete for one specific Role like I said you can take your time Really put in some effort and find a Great match for you 1 800 accountant has These current openings you will have to Look for the ones that say dash remote On them and a hybrid will be in office Part-time remote part-time so I really Just want to focus in on the few remote Jobs they have listed there is a quality Assurance associate there is a tax Accountant there are many Tax Advisor Work from home positions and there is a Tax preparer tax season is coming up It's the perfect time to start applying As they will be actively hiring I do Want to go ahead and dive into this Quality assurance associate just to give You a little bit of idea of the company

What they look for ETC here you can Either apply via LinkedIn indeed or you Can fill out this form I actually have a Whole video that I recently posted about Reasons why you may not be getting hired And it has to do with the application And resume process so definitely go Check that out but this this specific Role is responsible for assessing the Quality of the performance of the Appointment Setters inside sales reps And accountants who handle the existing And potential customers basically you're Just monitoring the calls you get to Listen in make sure all of the Procedures and Protocols are being Followed and you get to do all the Auditing which is kind of fun so at 1 800 accountant we believe in using Business as a Force for good we are Defining a new accounting services model To help business owners navigate the new Economy so that's a little bit about the Company this specific role you do have To live I guess in one of these states This is probably where they have their Work from home remote tax laws in place So that is something to consider the Requirements for this one is two years In quality assurance experience as well As the remaining list that you guys can Check out I just wanted to share a Little bit about the role so they do Offer medical dental vision and FSA a

401K with employer match work virtually Work with Cutting Edge Tech and join an Engaging community of like-minded Individuals while there's no rate of pay For this I'm going to get a base pay for The company in general I will pop that On the screen if you have interest in Applying to this job or checking out Their job board you can find that on my Website work from home with cc.com job Leads that will be in the description Box below if this one was not for you on Your screen are two other videos I've Posted check those out you might find a Better match for your yourself there Click my face to subscribe so you never Miss an upload and I will talk to you in My next video bye

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