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Hey there what's up welcome back to my Channel or if you're new hello my name Is CeCe I post these videos daily so if You want work from home job leads for Free for your convenience click that red Subscribe button below there's a lot to Cover here so we're going to skim Through as fast as possible I don't want To waste your time I'm not going to Monologue so anything I miss feel free To go back and read on your own time so Lodge link is a tech company that's Headquartered in Calgary they are the Baby company under black diamond group Who has posted this and let's just dive In so this is going to be work from home For my Canadians out there we love to See it it does say there's occasional Travel to the head office for special Events and training I'm not sure how Likely that's going to be you'll Obviously have to discuss that with the Hiring manager but this was a great Opportunity that I wanted to share a Little more outside of the Mainland USA To other countries and I know I get a Lot of Canadians so shout out to you Guys this is to join the customer Experience team part-time 20 5-30 hours Per week and overnight shifts vary which Will include weekdays and weekends Between 10 30 pm and 7 30 a.m so keep That in mind you will be assisting Customers with the reservations deliver

Favorable customer support help resolve The customer issues communicate with Both the customers and the suppliers Provide value by asking questions to Better understand the customers escalate Concerns track patterns and Opportunities to improve the experience Organize and manage a web content create Prepare and review and publish new Property listings and celebrate Successes by sharing stories with the Team you're going to be a great fit for This if you enjoy becoming knowledgeable Or becoming a knowledgeable source of Info you see the value in continuing Knowledge you collaborate with the team To solve problems and you are a creative Problem solving I'm sorry if you have Creative problem solving and that is Your superpower so for skills and Backgrounds we have you're working Towards or completed a diploma so Working towards we're always all working Towards so I love to see that you don't Need it you just have to be quote Unquote working towards it you uh have Exceptional verbal and written Communication skills great attention to Detail and organizational skills you Have intermediate computer skills Excel And other Microsoft Office applications Experience working with the reservation System and help desk Tech and you have a Thorough understanding of hospitality

Remote accommodations and potential Clientele needs and crew requirements is An asset so the rate of pay was listed On the original posting that I found so I'll go ahead and pop a screenshot in of That estimate you of course should also Contact the hiring manager prior to your Interview or ask during your interview To confirm if you guys are excited and Want to apply for this job you can find The link to do so on my website work From homewithcc.com and that'll be Accessible in the description box below If this one was not for you on your Screen are two other videos check those Out you might find a better match for Yourself there click my face to Subscribe so you never miss an upload And I will talk to you in my next video Bye

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