$37.50 HOURLY Part Time Work From Home Job! Hiring NOW!

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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and you Already know why I'm here I'm back Bringing you guys another job and this One is going to be from the company National University I did mention them On the channel probably a few weeks back But they do have another job available Right now and this is going to be their Job as a fundraising Academy part-time Trainer okay so this is going to be a Part-time job in the U.S some good pay On this job and just to let you know There may be some travel required with This job okay so let's go ahead and get Straight into the details so with this Shop right here you will be conducting Professional development trainings for Non-profit leaders and train the trainer Collaboration for fa Affiliates you're Going to deliver curriculum and product Development in the areas of fundraising Cost selling and philanthropy Professional development and you're Going to customize implementation plans And training to establish strong Relationships with fa Partners you'll be Coaching using a range of strategies to Build confidence incompetency and each Trainer including working with Evaluators and other coaches to build a Community of practice and you're going

To revise existing fa curriculum and Create new curriculum in partnership With the fa main office you're going to Also network with fa University Prospects to secure meetings for fa Leadership in new markets and you will Need to have a bachelor's degree in Business Administration marketing Management that's required a master's Degree is preferred but not required Three to six years of relevant coaching Consulting or training experience in the Nonprofit sector that's required project Management experience is desirable and This job right here is going to pay 37.50 an hour and you will have a Workday application those aren't too Long so of course if you're interested In applying you guys can find the link In the description bar you guys know if You have any questions or any comments Leave those below as usual I wish you Guys the best of luck I'll see you guys In my next video and thank you so much For watching

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