$50,000 To $65,000 Year Work From Home Job | Mortgage Credit Verifications | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another daily work From home job lead for you today's job Lead will be from the company altisource They are a real estate company they have A 2 000 reviews on Glassdoor and their Rating comes in at 3.2 out of 5 stars as Always in case you want to do your own Research on the company and read some of The reviews or put that application in The links to everything I share Including the Glassdoor page are always In the YouTube description box below This video but altisource is hiring a Full-time remote credit Verification Specialist now it does say this is for Us based only but they are looking for Somebody to basically manage the credit Verification desk queue for their real Estate Mortgage Loan Division it says You'll facilitate the onboarding of Members into their credit and Verification program you'll coordinate The training with the members and you'll Act as a tier one support customer Support so you'll own and manage the Credit and verifications help desk queue You'll act as a liaison between Operations sales and clients now they Are not requiring any kind of college Degree for this position it does say Knowledge or experience in mortgage loan Origination process would be extremely Helpful but they're not even requiring

Any experience in mortgage loans they Are looking for somebody who has the Ability to multitask has great Organizational skills that someone who Can handle confidential information and In a professional manner they're looking For someone who has some kind of Customer service experience and a client Facing environment they want somebody Who knows how to use those different Ticketing systems like Salesforce Zendesk Meridian link or some kind of Credit verification experience and of Course you have to work well under Pressure and be a multi-tasker and be Able to juggle many different projects At once but if that is you pay is a Fairly decent for this position they're Paying anywhere from a fifty thousand Dollars a year all the way up to 65 Thousand dollars a year and of course That they offer a standard benefit Package that includes a medical accident Benefits a life insurance and of course Paid time off all right as always if This job lead was not for you that's Absolutely okay please feel free to Leave in the comments anything specific That you're looking for even if I'm not Always responding to those I do read Those and keep that in mind when I am Searching for job leads to share thank You so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really

Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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