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Foreign [Music] For you guys and this job right here is Coming from the company Confluence make Sure to check out their career section To see if they have any other jobs that Interest you but today we're going to be Talking about their collections Specialist job okay and this is a Full-time job so let's go ahead and get Into the details you will be responsible For ensuring payment on open invoices This role will utilize aging reports to Contact clients when invoices are past Due you will facilitate resolution for Payment post receipts and you will Escalate non-payment issues to the AR And revenue manager for further Resolution you will strive to keep aged Invoices within accounts receivable Targets and you will need to have Diligent tracking of issues and Appropriate escalation is necessary to Ensure that invoices are paid on time And that all follow-up is well Documented for escalation purposes so They'd like for you to have prior Experience working with collections That's required some experience or Relevant Confluence experience Experience with netsuite and sales force Is preferred and they do offer generous Time off social events and they also Have three thousand dollar referrals

Plus many more benefits you will be in The US with this job and this job does Pay between 55k and 65k annually so Here's the application for this job Right here and of course if you guys are Interested in applying for this job you Know you can find that link in the Description bar if you guys have any Questions any comments leave those below As usual good luck to everybody thank You so much for watching and I'll see You guys in my next video

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