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Hello hello what is up welcome back to My channel and if it's your first time Here hey and welcome today's work from Home remote job is 50 to 60 dollars per Hour contract and it is an online tutor For the AP English Language so the Association of test prep Administration And private tutoring is seeking Experienced professional tutors and State Certified teachers for online Teaching and tutor assignments in AP English the position is three to five Hours per week no marketing required Students will be assigned directly to You and essentially you are doing remote Online test prep tutoring for the U.S Advanced placement exams so the Requirements for this you will need a Bachelor's degree from a four-year Granting U.S college or university Demonstrating expertise in tutoring or Teaching at least one year of classroom AP teaching experience or AP tutoring Experience they will be doing a Background check and any experience Tutoring online and a strong familiarity With Tech is needed so to apply all you Have to do is submit a resume which Speaks to the specific requirements of The job as well as filling all this out It's very straightforward to the point Fifty to sixty dollars per hour so if You would like the link to apply to this Job you can find that on my website work

From home with cc.com that'll be in the Description box below if this one was Not for you on your screen are two other Videos I've posted check those out you Might find a better match there for Yourself click my face to subscribe so You never miss an upload and I will talk To you in my next video bye

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