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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and back with Another job for you guys and this one Right here is coming from the company App folio they're currently looking for An associate customer care Representative for their payment support Department okay so let's go ahead and Get straight into the details so with This shop right here you will Master the Product through formal onboarding Programs and continued learning you're Going to work with a small team to Manage an allocated queue of customer Requests and you will provide timely Response to customer support inquiries Via phone and email you will provide Value-added services product training to Increase customer product knowledge and Maintain an organized queue of open Support requests and you will enhance Customer satisfaction by providing Distinctive service in all interactions And establish a trusted advisor Relationship to ensure customer Satisfaction you're going to utilize Salesforce to manage all customer Interaction and inquiries and utilize Zoom to provide efficient face-to-face Customer service you're going to also Provide valuable feedback to product Teams based on client interactions and Receive directions from managers and

Guidance from fellow payment ccrs and Serve as an AppFolio brand ambassador to Create promoters within the industry you Will represent services department at Off-site meetups with customers and Prospects And a ba BS is required Exceptional customer relationship Building skills excellent written and Oral communication highly organized also Be able to handle sensitive information And have a high degree of flexibility This job is going to pay between twenty Dollars and fifty cents and 25.50 and You're going to also get benefits with This job so of course if you guys are Interested in applying for this job you Can check out that link in the Description bar make sure to leave any Questions or comments below and as usual I thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you on my next video and good Luck to everyone who applies for this Job

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