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Happy Friday everyone I am back with Another work from home job this company They will train you they are hiring Immediately they offer flexible Schedules and we're going to go ahead And dive right into the job okay now We're talking about the company Telus International they are currently seeking U.S Raiders 1.4 to work from home Um again you have to be in the United States in order to do this job and this Is a part-time job where you can work up To 20 hours per week and when you go in A little bit further here about the Position they are looking for someone That is creative people who have strong Communication skills using the internet Daily this job involves analyzing and Providing feedback on texts well Pages Image and other types of information for Leading search engine using an online Tool Raiders log in to the online tool To select tasks to do on a self-direct Schedule a rater reviews the results Returned in a specific Search keywords And rates them in terms of relevance the Majority of the tasks types will require A desktop a laptop and a smartphone you Should have a minimum of 12 months Experience using Gmail as a primary Email a lot of people have a Gmail Account so they shouldn't have any Problem daily access to use of a broad Pan broadband internet connection to

Perform the work in Android smartphone 4.2 or higher or iPhone iOS version 13.0 Are hired to perform the work on now According to Glassdoor the pay is Between 14 and 18 an hour you can always Negotiate your salary if you need to but Again according to Glassdoor the pay is Around 14 to 18 an hour the Qualification is just a high school Diploma or GED you have to be the Cultural awareness proposal or purpose You should be living in the United States for the last five years Now when they say prefer skills that Means if you have it that's great if you Don't then don't worry about it but if You're interested in getting information Is there looking for someone to have Active daily use of Gmail Google and Other forms of social media including Twitter and Facebook from be familiar With the current and historical Business Media sport news and social media and Cultural Affairs in the United States if You don't understand that use Google as Your friend to Google this so you can Understand Um what they're asking you to do but Again it's a prefer skill so if you have It that's great if not don't worry about It and if you're interested in applying For this job then you need to go ahead And apply today this is a great Part-time job for someone whether if

You're a stay-at-home mom or your Housewife or maybe you have a full-time Job and looking for something to make Extra cash this is for you so if you're Interested in applying for this job all You need to do is Click right here if This video has been helpful to you and You want to see more jobs where they Would train you none from work from home Jobs 2023 jobs that are urgently hiring Consider subscribing to the channel by Clicking that red button that says Subscribe and don't forget to click on The Bell to turn on your notifications So every time when I upload new videos You'll be notified as well as when I go YouTube live you will also be notified So you can attend the work from home Curing Aid live streams that are going To be occurring once a month okay and Also speaking of my YouTube live if You're interested in me doing a writ Live resume review where I look at your Resume through the work from home q a When I go live and just do one resume a Month just to give you suggestions and Look and see ways and give you ways of How you can improve your resume in order For it to pass the Africa tracker system Comment below yes I would love for my Resume to be reviewed Um through the work from home QA once a Month when I go live let me know Also I would like for you to go and

Practice your typing skills because you Need to be typing get your skills where It need to be some jobs require that you Type 20 worst minutes some require you To type 40 words per minute but you need To always practice it is with Officialtypingtest.com where not only Can you practice your typing test but as Well you can practice your 10 key tests And they will give you typing tips so You can get to where you need to get I Want to leave some encouragement words With you because that is what I see a Lot of people need because a lot of People are getting disencouraged because They're not applying or they're not Getting hired immediately they're Getting rejection I'm here to tell you Is that I received a lot of rejections In the past and we get rejection every Single day but it is not the end of the World you gotta get up and keep pushing And keep applying and I keep saying this All the time is that your resume has to Be on point your resume has to pass the Applicant tracker system your resume has To be optimized for each job that you're Applying for okay so when I go and do These work from home q a Um what I when I start doing them once a Month like I said I want to start doing A resume review where I'm just looking At your resume live and give you Pointers and suggestions on how to

Improve their resume so again if you're Interested in that comment below and let Me know yes that is something that I'm Interested in doing but again you have To keep pushing keep applying don't give Up there is a job out there being made For you but it starts with you you have To believe because if you don't believe In yourself nobody else will I know it's Hard and tough on everybody people go Through things every single day for People wear that smile Behind this smile they are really Struggling they're having a hard day I Want to build a community where we can Uplift and encourage one another on our Job search and everyday life that is Something that I want to bring into my YouTube channel and also when I go live Uh once a month is to have some Inspiration quotes to help you make it Through your day because a lot of people Even though they have a full-time job They're still experienced drama Co-workers not acting right and they Have to like in the past when I was Working on site I could I didn't like my Job so I had to put on play gospel music In order to get me pumped up in order to Get out and do the job because I know What I was facing is a lot of drama a Lot of issues on the job and it Shouldn't be like that so I want to Again build a community where we can

Uplift and encourage one another on our Job search in everyday life and I want To encourage you every day in my videos Is don't give up in don't disqualify Yourself before you apply for these jobs Let the company do it there is a job out There for you with your name on it but You gotta believe and you got to push Through okay again keep pushing keep Applying don't give up you got this and Surround yourself around positive people That have your best interests that's Gonna uplift you okay so you know that I Always talk about multiple strains of Income you should always have a backup Plan just in case if something goes Wrong with your job too many times what People do wrong is they get complacent They stay at their job even though if They've been at a job for a month or Even longer they feel like they got the Job nobody's not going to let them go They're not going to get fired you can Go into the job today in 10 seconds While you're there they can let you go And what are you going to do if you Don't have a backup plan I always tell Everybody to use the job that you have As a crutch to invest in a business and That is with Book boat with bookboat you Can work anywhere in the world no Experience is required no degree you do Not have to go through no interview this Is a easy business opportunity where you

Can make passive income if you do your Research people are making anywhere Between a thousand to ten thousand a Month creating low content books and for Those who don't know what low content Books are these are Journal journals Diaries puzzle books coloring pages Coloring books recipe books the list Goes on and when you scroll down The great thing about bookboat is that You can always research the product Before you actually make it and see if It's sale as well as you can spy on your Competitors and see what kind of Keywords they're using and you can Implement those in your titles and Descriptions again not to copy to be Expired you need to come up with your Own ideal be unique in your own way and Then when you scroll down here bookboat Has upgraded they have a new studio they Have cover craters interior designs drag And drop editors complete customization Over 1 200 plus free fonts more than one Million royalty free image as well as Pattern scalable designs and filter and Much more and yes people are making Passive income every single day I've Been doing bookboat like I said probably Eight months now I'm not been doing it Every making creating books a low Content books on a regular basis I need To start doing that but I have made Money off for creating low content books

And this is the easy our opportunity That anybody can do elementary can do a High school can do this is something That you could pass on to your children Children to do this to create these Unique books and when you go down a Little bit further again you can make Puzzle books you can make activity books You can do coloring books 100 of low Content Interiors where you can mix and Match Interiors to create unique books For your audience and people buy these Books every single day the great thing About bookboat is that they always have Live webinars on Tuesday and Thursdays Where you actually meet the owner and He's always giving you Um information about how to be better How to sell how to and he's demonstrate How to make a journal coloring book Puzzle books in order to get you where You need to get if you go through the Dashboard they have plenty of tutorials If you spend an hour a day on these two Tours you would be able to get in there And start creating a low content book And uploading on Amazon kdb and start Making sales here when you go to Resource and I go to the interior a Wizard I am showing you that the Interior is already made for you you do Not have to make the interior you can do College rules journals music sheets Career plan

Um when you go down online Shoppers There are so many birthday reminders Body magic measurement tracker recipe Books you get the picture there are so Many that you can choose from in order To make a unique coloring book okay so For the sake of the video I'm just going To choose one little thing I guess the Project to complete you can go up here You can make your Journal as a paper Book or hardcover or I always choose Paperback 8×5 And I choose 120 and I'm going to choose The project to complete and I'm going to Hit download this is my interior if I'm Very pleased with this this is what I Would download to Amazon KDP Um I'm not a graphic designer like I Always say I always go on Fiverr and Find someone that has a unique style to Create my Um low content book covers so it can Sell again there's different places that You can sell this on you can sell it of Course on Amazon kdb you can sell it on Etsy you can sell it on your own website There are free social media platforms That you can promote this there are ways That you can go out there and get it This done but again you have to put in The work there is a saying what come Easy won't last and what last won't come Easy but you have to go in and put in The work in order for this to happen so

When I go back here and we're going to Look at the pricing anytime when you are Talking about a business there are going To be pricing and I believe it's very Affordable what I really lies in life You cannot complain about the situation If you don't take action faith without Works is dead people that are moving up The ladder they're Risk Takers they're They're making payments in order to Understand from getting from point A to Point Z they are investing in their self And you should do the same thing and I Believe the pricing is very affordable As you can see on the screen 9.99 per Month for newbie and 19.99 per month for Pro but if you use my coupon code which Is the rest of sweat all in lower case You will receive 20 off of that 99 I'm Sorry 9.99 per month and that is Lifetime or if you choose the 1999 per Month Pro you will also get 20 off of That and that is Lifetime the only Difference is with the pro you're Getting the puzzle creation software Included that is the only difference but The great thing about this is you can Try it out for three days for free and See if you like it I guarantee you're Gonna like this so this is a great Opportunity to make passive income as Soon as you sign up today you can Literally start creating in your low Content book and upload it to Amazon kdb

Here again I'm here to help you you have To have that business mindset Have a backup plan because you just Never know what can happen always with Prayer and plan use the job that you Have to invest in Book boat because if They decide that they're going to let You go today and you have build that Momentum and bookboat and you're making Over a thousand two thousand a month off A book boat then you're not going to be Worried always have a plan go ahead and Sign up the information is in my YouTube Description bar and also make for sure That you watch the videos my channel Again is all about no talk and work from Home job leads or non-phone work from Home jobs 2023 all of my jobs new videos Go out every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard Time consider subscribing to The channel by clicking that red button That says subscribe and don't forget to Turn on your notifications so every time When I upload new videos you'll be Notified and when I go YouTube live You'll be notified and again I will be Going live with work from home I will Basically it'll be a work from home q a Where whatever courses that you have Regards to working from home that is What we'd be addressed and again I want To build a community where we can uplift And encourage one another on our job Search and everyday life if you would

Like to me start doing a resume review One resume every time I go live once a Month please comment below that yes I Would like for you to do a resume review Um just let me know and once I get that Information I will have you to send me Your resume through Um my email account and the first person That sent me an email I will do that Resume when I go live just to look at it To give you pointers and suggestions on What you need to do to improve your Resume again if you would like to Support the Channel all you have to do Is click the join button or become a Member of the YouTube channel is click The join button there is a short video Explaining the benefits of becoming a Member of the YouTube channel shout out To everyone that's already a member I Really appreciate you don't forget to Check your community tab that is where I Engage with you Um when I upload new videos when I do Pose and when I do quotes I post it in There remember to keep pushing keep Applying don't give up there is a job Out there being made for you but it Starts with you you got to believe if You don't believe nobody else will so go Out there today and grab what is yours By applying for these jobs you got this And check out the the new video or Another video that's appearing at the

Top or the bottom there are more work From home job leads to help you get Closer to landing on your first second Third job or even a side Hustle Thank you so much for watching and I Will see you in the next video bye

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