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Good morning it's Suzanne happy Wednesday today's first work from home John blade is a chat support specialist With the company rent ready now they are Paying between 30 and 35 000 per year Depending on your experience and your Qualifications it's a fully remote Monday through Friday position and under Their job description they're looking to Bring on a chat support rep to provide Superior customer experience and Actively work to reduce churn increase Conversion from sign up to subscribe and Troubleshoot issues such that Solutions Are provided or the correct team member Is assigned to assist so this is going To be a no phone job if you are an Introvert that means you're not going to Have to talk on the phone to customers You're just going to be doing everything Through online chat so if that's you This is going to be a great option now The ideal candidate now remember this is Ideal doesn't mean they're going to get It so if you have some of these and some Of the main ones then I would still Encourage you to apply because you know Never know who you're up against they Want you to have one to three years of Experience in customer service Some experience with a chat platform Experience with jira is a plus so that Means it's preferred not required prefer Some startup experience and specially in

A business to business SAS and or real Estate again they said prefer so not Required experience with value Demonstration and support tech savvy and Your mission with them you're going to Handle chats you're going to help Customers provide Solutions and escalate When necessary collaborate with Onboarding sales and tech support and What they're going to offer you base pay Growth opportunities all those kind of Things so if you're interested in this Position I'm going to put that link down Below for you and I will be back in a Little bit with your second remote job Lead

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