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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and of course I'm back with another job for you guys And this one right here is coming from The company tailspin they're currently Looking for a customer experience Specialists to work full time in the US Let's go ahead and get straight into the Details this job does have some good pay So with this shop right here you will Play a critical role in ensuring the Successful launch and Adoption of their Products by providing training support And resources to the customers all Collaborating with cross-functional Leaders internally to help solve Customer issues you will be passionate About helping customers identifying Problems and finding Solutions and you Should have relevant customer facing Experience and a track record of solving Technical problems for this job they Want you to have one to two years of Experience in a support training account Management or customer experience role Strong technical aptitude and ability to Learn complex products and Technologies Quickly strong skills and verbal and Written Communications strategic Planning and time management and problem Solving and process oriented mindset Also be able to work effectively across

Multiple departments in a remote Environment and be a team player Self-starter and multitasker they would Prefer if you had a bachelor's degree or Equivalent one to two years of Experience in product training and Enablement experience with or interest In immersive Tech and also experience in Technical support experience with Learning management systems and Authoring tools and this job is going to Pay between 50k and 65k per year plus Benefits of course this will be Determined by your location and your Experience the application for this job Doesn't look to be too long so of course If you're interested in applying check Out that link in the description bar if You guys already know if you have any Questions or comments feel free to leave Those below and as usual thank you guys So much for watching I'll see you in my Next video and good luck to those who Apply for the job

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