All Typing – No Talking | Skip The Interview! Daily Pay | Non Phone Work From Home Job | Online Jobs

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Hey hey hey happy Tuesday it's me Carl I Am back with another skip the interview Work whenever you want all typing no Talking opportunity for you guys but Before I jump in if you're looking for More skip the interviews or just some Type of non-phone chat data entry job Make sure you hop over here check them Out on the non blog Remember to let us know in the comments What type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for be sure To smash that red subscribe button turn On that Bell notification make sure you Guys thumbs up the video and make sure You share on this channel guys sharing Is caring we are giving away 10 brand New laptop computers they are absolutely Free go spread the word tell a friend Help us get to a hundred thousand Subscribers before the end of the year Be sure to leave us a comment hop over To the two chicks blog look under the Spotlight job section make sure you Apply for Omni and for tell us don't Forget to go back and check out the Videos guys that were posted on the Channel yesterday make sure you sign up For Branded surveys as well the link is In the comments let's get into the video So the company is called scribby and They are looking to feel their audio Video transcription position so it says Here the overview home-based job work at

Your convenience five to twenty five Dollars audio hour rate of pay so that Means guys if it takes you three hours To type out whatever they want you to Type out and they're paying five dollars Then that is that means that you would Make five dollars for those three hours Or you could make 25 so it's 5 225 it Could be 15 it could be 10 it could be Nine it could be eight so what however Long that they Um however long it takes you to type out Whatever they want you to type out so It's not five and out hour it's not 25 An hour it is 5 to 25 audio hour short Files 10 minutes or less so if it takes You 10 minutes and they're paying five Dollars then you will make five dollars In those 10 minutes if they're paying 25 For 10 minutes or less then you would Make 25 in 10 minutes or less two hours Of tat for each file free automated Transcript to save around 60 percent of Typing effort you can get rewarded also For good performances become a reviewer Proofreader QC monthly bonus of five Dollars for every three hours completed No obligations no monthly commitments or Withdrawal limits we don't assign files You get to preview and choose the files To work on so again this is one of those Work whenever you want you get a chance To choose the files first before in case You don't want the file so you get you

Get a chance to choose the files be Before you are able to type them out now offers a great opportunity To argument your income by transcribing Audio files for us the work involves Listening to the audio files and typing It as accurately as possible you just Need to go through a test process and Get certified as a transcriber once Certified you will be paid for the files That you transcribe on an audio hour Basis for each submission your account it will be credited With the appropriate dollar amount your Earnings will accumulate and you can Transfer it to your PayPal account Anytime from PayPal the funds can be Transferred to your bank account there Are no monthly commitments or minimum Withdrawal limits payments are made once A day so this one guys is a daily pay Non-phone transcription work whenever You want opportunity that is paid via Paypal now their requirements are good Good comprehension of English ability to Interpret conversations ability to apply Context and identify mistakes a verified PayPal account linked to a bank account Or a credit card that means that it is Verified so in case you guys do not know What verified means because we do have Some people here that don't understand What it means to have a verified PayPal Account so you would open up an account

At you would link your bank Accounts or a credit card to Paypal you Would have to let them deposit maybe a Penny or two cents and then you would Verify what they deposited in your Account over on and once you Have that deposit verified that means That you have a verified PayPal account If you still don't understand that Please go to Google type in what is a Verified PayPal account and the Instructions will come up for you laptop Top desktop computer and internet Connection headphone headset latest Version of Firefox Chrome or the Safari Web browser Additionally the core skill We look for is ability to correct manual Automated transcripts now scribby will Not be a good fit if you are looking for A typing only jobs please note that we Cannot process PayPal accounts from Residents of California so if you live In California I do apologize they do not Hire in your state so it says here Verify PayPal account we send payments Via PayPal and we require a verified PayPal account in order to be eligible For this program it is a necessary Requirement and cannot be relaxed now You guys can reach out to the company Because I don't know if they have Updated their payment status you can Always reach out to the company ask if They have any other ways or any other

Ways that they will make the pay Payments it is it still PayPal maybe They've changed it to you know direct Deposit or it could be another company That they pay through but however I am Not sure because all I see here is PayPal on their website but you can Always reach out to them and ask is There an updated form of a payout so Just ask the question if you're not sure Um I do see here file splitting raw Transcription review proofreading and Quality check so this is the Transcription process our transcription Process consists of the following steps They do have the payments listed here Also bonuses referral and affiliate and Also automated transcripts as well so This one guys it is posted over on the Non blog there will Be a link posted right below the video In the description box so you guys can Check out this company sounds like a Good company to work for since it is Number one skill if the interview then It is non-phone and they pay out daily Via PayPal so how cool is that this is Just another egg that I am sharing with You guys to add to the rest of your eggs Now if you don't have any eggs you can Easily acquire and obtain some so just Start with this company guys sounds like You really don't need experience to Apply for this company either now the

Link to apply will be posted right below The video in the description box so you Guys can check out make sure To do some research about the company go Over to YouTube Type in scribby you also Guys can go over to Facebook see if they Have some groups so you can learn Different strategies learn these Strategies on how to make money some Real money from these companies I do see Here potential earnings all the way up To a thousand dollars if you're doing Transcription reviews proofreading and QC and you just possibly could get there Only transcription I see two to three Hundred dollars per month and I know Somebody that used to work for this Company back in the day she was making Around three to five hundred dollars per Month I'm not sure exactly what she was Doing I know she was doing the Transcription but she was making around Three to five hundred which which hey Three to five hundred dollars can buy Some groceries can pay a utility bill Can probably pay a car note and some Insurance or a phone bill so just keep That in mind when you are applying for These types of companies make sure you Share my awesome video leave me a Comment down below then you want to hop On over to Facebook and you want to join Our group the name of our group it is Kiss that cubicle goodbye and we have

Had a plethora of jobs posted over in The group within the last 30 days a lot Of people guys also have been hired at Various companies so make sure you guys Hop on over there so you can see the Companies that are hiring right now Because some of them we have not even Talked about or posted on this YouTube Channel at all so you don't want to miss Out just in case you're looking for a Certain type of job and it's not over Here it could possibly very well be over There in the group and while you're on Facebook follow us on our Facebook Business page it is two chicks with a Side hustle because guys we are doing Another giveaway over on that platform Once we hit a hundred thousand followers So make sure you are following us we're Giving away two additional brand new Laptop computers anybody can win you can Come over there follow us and start Tagging your friends family members or Just sharing the content from that page Also follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and On Instagram because on Instagram we are Going to do a pop-up giveaway so we got A lot of giveaways going on here so in Case you don't win over here on the YouTube channel go over there to the Facebook page follow us there start Sharing the content or you can hop over To Instagram if you have an Instagram if You don't create one it is absolutely

Free create one start sharing our Content or whatever we have you can put Us in your stories or you can create Those funny riddles about two chicks Working from home jobs and things like That it does not matter how or where you Share or who you share with just as long As you share and leave us a comment Somewhere my name is Carol and I will Catch you wonderful lovely amazing People in the next video bye YouTube

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