Anyone Can Apply | Non Phone Work From Home Job | No Experience | Processing Medical Records |Remote

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Hey hey hey happy Monday two chicks fam It is me Carl I am back with a non-phone Work from home job but before I jump Into the video I hope everyone had a Happy holiday make sure you guys smash That red subscribe button turn on that Bell notification thumbs up the video And make sure you share on this channel Guys we talk about all things work from Home related the jobs the side gigs and The hustles and we do real giveaways so We are giving away 10 more brand new Laptop computers they are absolutely Free so make sure you guys go spread the Word tell a friend invite your friends Family members over here to the channel Help us get to 100 000 subscribers Before the end of the year so we already Have the laptops we're just trying to Get there make sure you come back and Leave us a comment don't forget to go Back check out all four videos that I Posted on the channel yesterday I did Drop a non-phone chat job paying up to 21 an hour be sure to go back and check Out their video and then you want to hop Over to the other Blog the two chicks Blog look under the spotlight job Section make sure you guys apply for Omni interactions and also guys don't Forget to sign up for Branded surveys The link is down below in the comment Section let's get into the video so the Company is called healthmark group they

Are looking to fill their medical Records processing specialist position Guys if you want to get into this field This company here is a entry-level Beginner friendly for this position so Make sure you guys hurry up and apply it Says this is an entry level position an Exciting opportunity for someone looking To start their career with a fast Growing company we are expanding rapidly And have created unique roles that need Qualified candidates now this is a 100 Remote job it is full-time work from Home you will be processing medical Record requests high volume and Fast-paced environment reports directly To the Processing Manager assist as Needed in the Overflow processing due to High volume issues and or coverage Issues abide by the HIPAA guidelines While ensuring the confidentiality of Phi maintain consistent schedule by Processing all requests within 24 to 48 Hours of receipt for assigned accounts You will assist as needed in the Overflow processing due to high volume Issues and or coverage issues you will Provide the feedback regarding request Volume and perceived issues you will Monitor incoming requests received Through various means general office Duties now these are the qualifications Guys if you are a fast learner depend Quick worker team player positive

Attitude someone who strives to do more This means that you guys everybody can Apply for this job so this one guys I Didn't see the pay but I think they pay Around 14 to 16 dollars per hour and That could be depending on the location Or if you have experience already Dealing with the medical records of Processing field now this one is posted On the non-phone blog and there will be A link posted right below the video in The description box so you guys can Check out this company so again guys the Company is called healthmark group they Are looking to feel their medical Records processing specialist position If you are someone that is trying to Break into this industry make sure you Guys check out this company and apply Apply apply make sure you share share Share we are trying to get to a hundred Thousand subscribers guys before the end Of the year and I know you guys can help Us get there you've already helped us Get to 80 some thousand subscribers so Let's keep pushing this YouTube thing Out so we can go ahead on and get those Laptops sent out to the winners make Sure you guys hop on over to Facebook And join us kiss that cubicle goodbye so You guys can see some of the success Stories from other people that already Have started working from home and make Sure while you're on Facebook to go over

To our Facebook business page it is two Chicks with the side hustle make sure You follow us guys we're giving away two Additional laptop computers once we Reach a hundred thousand followers over On their platform so if you don't win Over here you still have a chance to win Over there and we already have some Subscribers over there now shout out to Those ladies they're already over there And they're sharing the content like Crazy but it is not too late it's never Too late it's not too late for you guys To hop on over there join in on the fun You can tag or you can share or however You guys want to do it you can also join Some Facebook groups and you can share The links that way as well just make Sure you leave us a comment somewhere on That platform and then you want to Follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and also Guys follow us on Instagram now on Instagram guys we are doing a pop-up Giveaway between now and the end of the Year so it's already November the 28th So we have until now until December the 31st of this year so we're gonna pop up Over there we're not gonna tell you guys When and we are going to do a giveaway On Instagram and I don't know what we're Gonna give away at the moment it could Be a laptop it could be a desktop it Could be a hundred dollar cash app or Guys it could even be a hundred dollar

Walmart or Amazon gift card you just Never know what we're going to pull out Of our hats so make sure that you go Over there to Instagram follow us start Sharing the content also guys you can Create the stories put us in your Stories or do some of those reels that I Watch over there on Instagram however You guys want to do it just make sure You share leave us a comment somewhere And we will put your name down on that Giveaway list my name is Carol I'll Catch you wonderful lovely amazing Fantastic people on the next video bye YouTube

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