AMAZON Hiring Remote Up To $65,000 Year Supporting Home Security Product | No Degree Needed!

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Welcome back my friends and happy happy Friday this is Lindsay and I am back With another daily work from home job Lead for you this one is from Amazon and It is going to be a customer support Based we will just dive on in just know If that you are interested in applying The links to this page are in the YouTube description box below this video So Amazon has multiple product lines and One of the products they have is a blank Which is a home security system product They are hiring a technical customer Service support associate for this Product line now this is for my United States folks only and this is remote Work from home but it says you'll Support their home security product Suite and help customers navigate their Own home networking and mobile device Configurations so they are looking for Someone to provide prompt efficient Detail Service by engaging in directly With the blinks customers via phone and Email you'll work with other customer Support teams to make sure you have a Consistent and high level quality of Support you'll be the voice and advocate For the customers when something doesn't Feel right you'll be helping them Understand how to use blinks products And resolve their issues to maximize Their Investments you'll seek solutions To the customer needs of communicating

Any trends that you notice up to Leadership and you'll also be suggesting Solutions on behalf of customer service So they are not requiring any kind of College degree for this position they Want somebody who has a one-year Experience in some kind of technical Support someone who can focus on putting The customer first they need somebody Who has one year experience supporting Wi-Fi or Mesh networking platforms which Is Linksys D-link Google Wi-Fi all of Those things and somebody who has one Year of work working support with Firewall configurations parental Controls all of that stuff that comes Along with configuring technical devices And they do want somebody who has Experience working with mobile devices And platforms such as iOS Apple or Android now if you have a technical Background pay for this position is Anywhere from Thirty One Thousand nine Hundred dollars a year all the way up to 65 000 a year of course pay is always going To be dependent on location and Experience but make sure you are Negotiating that pay if you do get a job Offer all right if this job lead was not For you and that is okay please feel Free to leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for I do Read those and keep that in mind thank

You so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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