AMAZON Hiring Seasonal $600 Week + COMPUTER Provided & No Degree Needed Work From Home Job | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another daily work From home job lead for you we're gonna Keep this one short sweet and to the Point because this job is from Amazon And they need no introduction of course The links if you want to apply are Always in the YouTube description box Below this video Amazon is hiring a Full-time technical support associate This is remote work from home it is a Seasonal contract they are paying 15 an Hour except where otherwise required by Law now you have to live in one of the Following states there's quite a few States so I'm not going to list them all I'll leave it popped up for a second so You can read them on the screen of Course as always you can also go down in The description box and pull this up but They are basically looking for someone To help with the technical support and Help answer the phone so this is a Customer service job help customers and Investigate and resolve queries Regarding to technical issues they're Having with Amazon's Digital Services And devices so this is going to be like The Kindle the echo Fire TV among others You'll provide outstanding technical Support to their customers you'll be the First point of contact for the customers By answering their requests through Phone chat and email and use a variety

Of online tools that they give you to Analyze and troubleshoot the issues in Real time you investigate Solutions and Communicate effectively with the Customers now if that sounds like Something for you other than having to Live in one of these States they're not Requiring any kind of college degree you Have to be at least 18 years or older Have great computer skills great Communication skills and they want Someone who has the ability to work Different varying shifts Monday through Sunday the operating hours are 5 a.m to 10 pm Pacific Standard time so they'll Schedule you different shifts within That time you also have to have a quiet Distraction free space in your home that You can work so the customers can Clearly hear and understand you so they Don't want a lot of background noise Going on otherwise that you just need to Have a cable DSL or Fiber Optic internet And you must be able to directly connect That router into the computer now Amazon Is going to ship you an Amazon laptop Headset ethernet adapter and two Security tokens to address provided in The application so make sure you provide Your correct address when applying but They are going to give you all the Equipment you need all you need to do is Have internet alright as always if this Job lead was not for you please feel

Free to leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for I do Read those and keep that in mind if you Found this job leader any job leads that I share helpful give this video a thumbs Up like button that does give me direct Feedback thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Mack really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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