AMAZON Paying Up To $129,000 For A Remote Work At Home Customer Service Manager |USA No Restrictions

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with a really exciting Work from home job lead opportunity for You this one is from Amazon now I've Always said if you have been working Different customer service jobs or any Different other jobs and you have Developed your skill set and experience Throughout the years getting into some Kind of leadership role whether it be Team Lead Supervisor management is the Best thing to do because that's with a Higher salaries are at and that is what We have today Amazon is hiring a Customer service manager now this is for The United States only and it is a Virtual work from home position if You're interested in applying the link To this page is in the YouTube Description box below this video Amazon Partners with a bunch of different Brands and that is what they have done Here they have partnered with the blank Brand blink which was the result of one Of their most successful crowdfunding Campaigns to date and so now blink is Part of the Amazon devices family just Like the Echo and all the other things It brings you to the Kindle Fire tablets Fire TV and Echoes all of those things They are looking for a customer service Manager to help focus on all aspects of Customer satisfaction and care and of Course you'll be supervising the global

Customer service and Technical Support Teams so the manager will help to Develop and Implement customer service Procedures policies and standards so We're regular customer service Representatives take the inbound phone Calls and do the customer service as a Manager you will be overseeing the People that do that and you'll be Helping to make that process a better You'll come up with ideas for policies And procedures that they need to follow You'll measure the customer satisfaction And of course find ways to improve the Service that it is given now you will Also have to communicate with customers Via phone email and chat because you Know I know I've called in before and I'm just not getting the answers that I Need and I'm asked to speak to a Supervisor or manager you'll also Analyze statistics and other data to Determine the level of service your team Is providing and of course you'll Organize schedules and work assignments To meet business needs so even though You will be on the phone occasionally Helping out with customer service you Will not be inbound taking phone calls 24 7. you are more managing the team That is doing that they are looking for Someone who is three years of experience In a contact center support manager role So if you've ever been a team lead or

Anything like that any time you have Built up some kind of leadership skills They want someone who has experience Working in planning or budget management And experience of building teams or Employee development plans now of course They have some preferred qualifications Such as a bachelor degree but that is Not actually required now they do pay Very well and of course pay is going to Be dependent on your location and Experience but pay starts off at 51 400 A year and goes all the way up to a Hundred and twenty nine thousand three Hundred dollars a year if you get an Interview and an offer please make sure You are negotiating that salary as they Haven't worked in their budget to pay up To a hundred and twenty nine thousand Dollars a year all right if this job Lead was not for you that's okay please Feel free to leave in the comments Anything specific that you are looking For I'm always reading those and keeping That in mind thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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