Beginner Friendly! – Work When You Want! Part Time Work From Home Job | Make $1300 A Month

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What's up two chicks fam happy Tuesday It is me Carl I am back with a beginner Friendly work whenever you want work From home job now before I jump into the Video guys if you are looking for the Non-phone jobs make sure you hop on over Check them out on the non blog make sure you Guys share this video we have 10 more Laptops that we are trying to give away Before the end of the year anybody can Win just make sure you guys go spread The word tell a friend be sure to come Back and leave us a comment down below Don't forget to smash that red subscribe Button turn on that Bell notification Make sure you guys thumbs up these Videos go back and check out the videos That I posted on the channel yesterday Make sure you guys hop over here to the Two chicks blog look under the spotlight Job section be sure to get Omni Interactions in your basket and don't Forget to let us know in the comments What type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for it and Be sure to sign up for Branded surveys We got some people here guys that make 15 to 50 dollars in a day the link is in The comment section let's jump into this Easy peasy beginner friendly company so The company is next rep you guys have Heard us talk about this company before They are looking to feel their customer

Service rep position for the company Teledoc now as a customer service rep You will be taking inbound calls from Teledoc customers you'll help connect Patients with the doctors assist with Patient registrations verifying Memberships setting appointments help Manage the billing and troubleshoot Basic Tech issues guys you don't need Experience to apply for this job this is A remote flexible opportunity so you Guys get to work whenever you want you Are the boss you get to pick and choose The hours that you want to work for this Company you are an independent Contractor it says here 30 hours a week Now In a week you can earn an additional one Dollar per hour so I did the 30 hours Times 11 an hour which it is on the low End guys but you can just work this job In your spare time you don't have to Work the 30 hours per week it just States that if you do you will earn Eleven dollars per hour if not then you Will earn ten dollars per hour so again The company is next rep they are looking To feel their teledoc position as a Customer service rep where you're taking Inbound calls from customers to verify Membership set appointments basically Set appointments with this company Setting appointments for the doctors be Sure guys to go Google teledoc because

You want to be prepared and not Surprised just in case you get an Interview they may ask you because they May reveal to you that the client is Teledoc and they may say hey what are You about seller not because that's who You're applying for so you need to know Something about this company here go to Google type in teledoc see what comes up Jot down the information that way you'll Already have it just in case you get That interview so do that beforehand and Then apply for the job the link will be Posted right below the video in the Description box so you guys can check it Out also check out next rep because next Rep is the company teledoc is the client Make sure you share my awesome video With your friends and family members be Sure to come back guys and leave us a Comment down below then you want to hop On over to Facebook and you want to join Us the name of our group it is kids There cubicle goodbye make sure you guys Follow us on our other social media Platforms we have a tick tock a Twitter We have an Instagram and we also have a Facebook business page now on the Facebook business page we're giving away Two additional laptop computers so just In case you don't win and over here on This page guys you still have a chance To win on that platform so go over there To Facebook join the group KISS that

Cubicle goodbye and then follow the Business page two chicks with the side Hustle and start sharing the content That's all you have to do or you can tag Tag your friends your family members on The post and that is a form of sharing And we do watch the comments over there As well and we will be sure to put your Name down and then you want to follow us On Instagram because on Instagram we're Doing another giveaway so we got a lot Of giveaways going on with our platform So be sure to follow us guys on Instagram it's two chicks with the side Hustle we're doing a pop-up giveaway Between now and the end of the year so You guys never know what we are going to Pop up and give away so be sure to Follow us on Instagram two chicks with The side hustle put us in your stories Or create some reels about us my name is Carol and I will catch you wonderful Lovely amazing people on the next video Bye YouTube

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