Daytime Earning Opportunity: $22 per hour Remote Job with No Degree Required – Email & Chat-based Work from Home

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Looking for an earning opportunity from the comfort of your home without needing a degree? Well, we have got some exciting news for you! There’s a remote job available that pays $22 per hour and involves email and chat-based work. That’s right! No need to step outside your front door, and no requirement of a degree. Keep reading to learn more about this fantastic daytime earning opportunity.

Daytime Earning Opportunity: $22 per hour Remote Job with No Degree Required – Email & Chat-based Work from Home


The advent of technology has opened doors to numerous job opportunities that offer flexibility and convenience. And with the pandemic causing a shift in work culture, more individuals are leaning towards remote work opportunities. If you’re on the lookout for a work-from-home gig, a company called Drip is offering a support specialist position. The best part? The job pays $22 per hour, and no degree is required.

But before you get your hopes up and submit your application, here are some essential details that you should know.

The Job Description

The position is for a support specialist, and you’ll be responsible for handling email and chat-based support queries. The working hours will be from 9 am to 5:30 pm central time.

Qualifications Required

While you don’t need a college degree, the company prefers applicants with technical aptitude, empathy, and excellent communication skills. As this is a remote job that doesn’t require phone duties, it’s an excellent opportunity for those who prefer non-voice jobs or have a language barrier when it comes to phone-based customer support.

Compensation & Benefits

The job pays $22 per hour, with a benefits package available for full-time employees. This package includes healthcare, dental, and vision insurance, a 401(k) plan, and an employee stock purchase plan for investment purposes.

How to Apply

If you’re interested in this job opportunity, make sure that you’ve prepared your resume and cover letter. Work from home jobs can be competitive, and it’s essential to stand out from the crowd. Always do your research before applying to avoid getting scammed. You can apply for this job on the Drip website’s career page.


  1. Do I need a college degree to apply for this job?
    No. A college degree is not required.
  2. What are the working hours for this job?
    The working hours are from 9 am to 5:30 pm central time.
  3. Can I work remotely for this job?
    Yes. This is a remote job opportunity.
  4. How much does this job pay hourly?
    This job pays $22 per hour.
  5. What benefits are included in the package?
    The benefits package includes healthcare, dental, and vision insurance, a 401(k) plan, and an employee stock purchase plan for investment purposes.


The offer of a $22-per-hour remote job with no degree required is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for a work-from-home job that offers full-time hours with mostly non-phone duties. The position is for a support specialist handling email and chat-based queries for Drip, a company that provides business tools to help connect with customers and compete online. It’s essential to prepare your resume and cover letter, do research, and go through the application process carefully. Apply soon to increase your chances of landing the job, and who knows, it might be the perfect opportunity for you.

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