Get Paid To Enter Both Alphabetic & Numeric Data Online!!! $720 Per Week| Work From Home Job

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Happy Thursday YouTube family I am back With another non-phone work at home job Leave that I'd like to share with you Get paid to enter both alphabetical and Numeric data online you can make Anywhere Um between at least 720 per week so Before I give you that information make For sure that you're watching the videos All the way through because there are Valuable information in all of my videos And remember this channel is all about None from work at home job leads to go Out every single day as well as make Sure that you go ahead and apply Immediately for these jobs turn on your Notification because these jobs move Quickly a lot of people are looking for Data entry and a lot of people are Looking for jobs in general so make sure You put on your notifications so every Time when I upload new videos you'll be Notified and that will give you plenty Of opportunity to go ahead and apply for These jobs so let's go ahead and dive Right into the job we're talking about The company exam Works they're currently Seeking data entry Associates to work From home again the pay is 720 dollars You can make 720 dollars per week the Pay is eighteen dollars an hour so I got That information if you were working 40 Hours so if you multiply eighteen Dollars times 40 you'll get 720 per week

And to give you information Um you must be available to work Mondays Through Friday this company they will Provide your office equipment like Office phone Sprint screen keyboard Mouse and virtual desktop that will be Provided and basically again you will Enter both Alpha and numeric data from Source documents into the proper system Database As well as they require you to have a High school diploma or equivalent prior Daily injury is required so if you need Help with your data entry this is a free Place where you can go and practice your Typing skills all you need to do is go To 10 key tests start it and you go Ahead and practice your numbers and Symbols as well as numbers only so if This is something that you want to you Know increase your score this is where You need to start okay and go ahead and Practice and they're talking about two Knowledge of multiple software programs Like word excel and the internet so here Is a free place where you can go and Practice your word get knowledge a word Excel PowerPoint this is through Microsoft 365 training so if you click On word say for example if I don't Understand word they have some training Here and this is free that's why I tell You all the time take advantage of Google get knowledge is power go out

There before you say that you're not Qualified for a job go out there and Research on how to do things because you Know again companies are willing to Train you the way that they want you to Be trained but you got to take the Action to found um if you don't Understand something go out there and Research things they always have Somebody's teaching you like if I need To know how to write and edit all I do Is click on that and there it will be a Video up here and I can watch the video And it explains Um different things as well as if I go Back it's going to do the same thing for Excel PowerPoint and SharePoint you just Click on those and find out what you Need help with and it will train you Um on those different positions so you Can go ahead and get a job here and then They also talk about proofreading is Required I did found something free that You can learn proofreading you can go Through here all you need to do is you Could take their quizzes just for fun And see if you um passed the test Because this is what proofreading is all You need to do is Click right here where It says take the test and once you take The test you can go ahead it gives you Information about it this is the test of Proofreading and then it has the answer Sheet right here once you get through

And you can check it so I'm trying to do Everything I can to help you get closer To Landing a job and again to give you Information about exam works it is a Leading provider of independent medical Examination peer reviews and Bill Reviews so we're going to go more into Details about What you're going to be doing on this Job is you're going to gather organize And prepare Source documents for data Entry into the proper system database You're going to review data entered Against the original Source document for Accuracy and corrects any data entry Errors of duplications you're going to Follow data programs security practice And procedures at all times as well as Reform other duties as assigned and then When you go a little bit further you Have to have ability to follow Instruction in response to management Directions accurately and then Demonstrate accuracy and throgness so if This sounds like something that you're Able to do make sure you go ahead and Apply for this job today by clicking Here and keep pushing keep applying Don't give up there is a job out there With your name on it but you have to Believe because if you don't believe in Yourself nobody else will so go out There and grab what is yours today by Applying for these jobs don't be as

Scared of rejection again rejection is a Part of life Um no don't me know Nomi's next Opportunity Um if you don't understand something Like I just showed you a few minutes ago Google themes if I don't understand word Excel I'm gonna learn it I'm going to Qualify for this job you know so I'm Gonna learn enough so I can go and pass The test if they do give me a test on Word Outlook or proofreading I'm going To learn enough so I could pass the test And get the job I'm again making sure That your resume is tailored to each job That you're applying for that's very Important too many times people want to Do a one size fit all resume meaning That they want to send a daily inch Resume to a job that they're applying For if it's accounting job or chat job It doesn't work like that you have to Take out time and tailor your resume to Each job that you're applying for Because there are keywords in the resume All you do is take the keywords from the Resume and Implement that into your um Your resume so it can pass the Africa Tracking system and that is very Important again and don't disqualify Yourself before you apply for these jobs You have to believe you have to have a Confidence you have to have the willing Mind the Willing heart and the Willing

Spirit to go out there and get these Jobs there are a lot of companies that Are hiring right now A lot of people are Looking for work from home jobs but you Cannot get this encouraged you got to be Encouraged so go out there and grab what You're what is yours today by applying For these jobs there is a job out there With your name on it keep pushing keep Applying you got this okay now I always Talk about Having a multiple strains of income Because that is very important a lot of People don't realize how important it is Until they lose a job and then once they Lose a job and they have difficulties Founding the job then they're really Trying to push things I say start Building a business right now while you Have a job use that job as a crush to Invest in yourself that's a part of Self-care and that is with bookboat this Is a easy business opportunity that you Can start creating today is creating low Content books and for those who don't Know what low content books are those Are journals law books Diaries coloring Books coloring page recipe books are all Made in Book boat and many more there's Too many to name out there and if you do Your research people are making a Passive income some people are making Anywhere between a thousand to ten Thousand a month creating low content

Books some people are making 500 extra a Month creating low content books and who Wouldn't need an extra 500 a thousand a Month you know you could do a lot with That especially you know with things are Going on in the world so that is with Bookboat now the great thing about Bookboat is before you create anything You can research to see if it's selling As well as you can spy on your Competitors and see what kind of Keywords they're using not to copy but To be expired and again bookboat has Upgraded they have a new book Studio Where you have cover creators interior Designs drag and drop editors complete Customization over a thousand two Hundred plus free fonts more than one Million royalties free image pattern Scalables designs filter and much more And you're able to make puzzle books Activity books coloring books 100 of low Content Interiors where you can mix and Match Interiors to create unique books For your audience and yes people buy These books every single day okay now Anytime you're talking about a business There are pricing and I believe is very Affordable for Newbury newbies there are 9.99 per month and for pro is 19.99 per Month but the only difference with the Pro you're getting the puzzle creation Software included but if you use my Coupon code which is the rest is where

All in lower case don't worry that Information is in the YouTube Description bar you will receive 20 off Of the 9.99 per month and that's Lifetime as well as if you choose a 1999 Per month for the pro you receive 20 off Of that if you use my coupon code which Is the rest of sweat in lower case and Then also you can try this out for three Days for free and I guarantee you're Gonna like it Um again this is a really easy business Opportunity that you can do um I do low Content books what you do is you make Them create them and you will download It to Amazon kdb or if you have a Website You can put it on your website you can Sell them on pay here you can sell them On send out Um there's different free social media Platforms that you could promote these Low content books but again you have to Put in the work you know what come easy Won't last you got you have to put in The work in order to make this work and Um like I said I've been doing this for Like six months and I have started Making Um you know you know good not a thousand A month yet but I'll make it enough Where I can pay extra bills but the goal Is to shoot for a thousand ten thousand A month but I am putting the word

Creating Um these low content books and you do Not have to be in the United States you Could be anywhere in the world you'll be In the United States out of the country And create these um unique books again Um the interior wizard you do not have To credit is already created for you as You can see on the screen Um you could do monthly to-do list Online shopping Um the big the best thing to do is you Can do paperback or hard cup copy or Hardcover or you could do both but I Choose paperback especially on low Content books Um it's eight by five eleven and then I Choose how much page I want and if I Want to download this seller I just Click on that and hit download and this Is my interior this is what I would Download to Amazon kdb I am not a Graphic designer so I'm not able to make My cover but I do go on Fiverr and pay Somebody anywhere between five and Twenty dollars to create my cover and Again you don't have to be a graphic Designer you don't have to have any Experience skip the interview as soon as You sign up you can go ahead and start Creating your low content books today And make passive income so again I Believe in multiple strains of income You always have to have a backup plan

Too many times people get complacent and Think that a job would not let them go Never think that you're not replaceable Furniture is replaceable closes Replaceable food is replaceable and Guess what you can be replaceable at any Time so go out there and build your Empire create a legacy for your children Children today and is to have multiple Trains and income so if the lights go Off you won't Panic you'll have a plan You'll be able to have something going On to pay your bills until you file what You're looking for so again all this Information is in the YouTube Description bar so you can go ahead and Sign up today and again remember this Channel is all about non-phone work at Home job leads to go out every single Day at 7 A.M Central Standard Time so Make sure that you turn on your Notifications so you'll be notified you Know every time when I upload new videos So you that will give you plenty of Opportunity to go ahead and apply for These jobs consider subscribing to the Channel I would love for you to be a Part of the family and again don't Forget to turn on your notifications if You would like to support the channel or Join or becoming YouTube membership all You have to do is click the join button Thursday show art video explained the Benefits of being a part of the member

Remember don't forget to check out your Community tab that is where I engage With you every single day on this Community tab when I upload new videos On my posts in there as well so that'll Give you plenty of opportunity I also Give you encouragement words and I do Post to get a chance to know my audience Um You know really well I'm too as well and Remember keep pushing keep applying Don't give up believe in yourself Because if you don't believe in yourself Nobody else will go out there and grab What is yours today by applying for These jobs there is a job out there with Your name on it thank you so much for Watching and I will see you in the next Video

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