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What's up two chicks fam happy Friday it Is me Carl I am back with a data entry Specialist work from home job but before I jump in if you guys are looking for More data entry chat jobs email texting Or transcription or they'll skip the Interview non-phone side hustles be sure To hop on over here to the non blog let us know in The comments what type of work from home Job or side gig or hustle you guys are Looking for be sure to smash the red Subscribe button turn on that Bell Notification make sure you guys thumbs Up these videos and share so we are Giving away 10 more brand new laptop Computers absolutely free to you guys Just make sure you share go spread the Word tell a friend be sure to come back And leave us a comment down below don't Forget to hop on over to the two chicks With the side blog look under The spotlight job section apply for Omni And apply for tell us and don't forget About branded survey days easy peasy Survey site the link is down below in The comments let's get into this Wonderful video the company is called Ash field engage they're looking for Healthcare data entry specialist it says Here that this is a temporary project With an opportunity to interview with Other teams internally so guys it is Going to start out temporary but you may

Get a chance to interview with some of The other teams within the company Competitive compensation generous Performance driven incentive Compensation package now the key Objectives maintain excellent quality Standards for all client programs adhere To program guidelines accurately Transcribe and data enter information Required by individual programs and Correctly capture in specific program Databases adhere to all company policies And standard operating procedures Display flexibility within the Department to maximize utilization Exhibit highly effective trans Description and data entry skills Meeting or exceeding productivity Expectations must Safeguard patient Privacy and confidentiality by following The guidelines set forth in the privacy And security rules of the health Insurance portability and accountability Act or the HIPAA manage day-to-day Activities perform intake of cases and Capture all relevant information in the Case management system ensure all Support requests is captured ensure Timely and accurate accurate processing Of requests including reviewing Source Documentation escalate complex cases When appropriate maintain excellent Quality standards for all client Programs now I do see here special

Specifications for the position high School diploma bachelor's degree or Equivalent work related experience now Guys it is just preferred so if you do Not have a bachelor's degree but you do Have all the other specifications that They are requiring for this position Then you can still apply excellent Verbal written and listening Communication skills knowledge of Reimbursement mechanism for medical and Pharmacy benefits patient access Processes and patient Assistance Programs operational policies and Processes preferred Proficiency in Reviewing intake documents thoroughly And entering information and database With little to no errors proficiency With Word and Excel analytical thinking Problem solving and decision making Ability to multitask and manage multiple Parallel projects with strong time Management skills so this one is posted On the non-phone blog there will be a Link right below the video in the Description box so you guys can apply For this company again the company is Called Ashfield engage and they are Looking to hire or fill their health Care data entry specialist position make Sure you guys do some research you know Something about the company just in case You get an interview guys you want to be Prepared and not surprised and then make

Sure you share this video leave us a Comment because again we're giving away 10 brand new laptop computers they are Absolutely free to you guys help us get To a hundred thousand subscribers make Sure you guys share tell a friend invite Your people here to the YouTube channel Or to the Facebook group be sure to Leave us a comment hop on over to Facebook join the group KISS that Cubicle goodbye follow us on Tick Tock Twitter Instagram and also guys on our Facebook business page we are going to Be giving away two additional laptops on The Facebook business page once we reach A hundred thousand followers over on That page so make sure make sure guys That you hop on over there and follow us And start sharing the content from that Page because somebody two people are Gonna win those laptop computers and Just how generous we are we may give Away some other things work from home Related just to help you guys guys out Don't forget to follow us on Tick Tock Twitter and on Instagram now on Instagram we are doing a pop-up giveaway Two chicks with a side hustle you guys Can share us in your stories on your Reels or however you guys want to share Us over on Instagram we're gonna pop up Over there and give some stuff away I Have no idea what we're gonna give away But the giveaway will be between now and

The end of December so December 31st Will be the deadline so I don't know What day we're gonna pop over there guys Because it is a surprise we can't tell You guys that just make sure you're Following us my name is Carol I'll catch You people wonderful lovely amazing People in the next video bye Ah you too

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