Get Paid To Process Medical Record Requests!!! $2,773-$4,160 Monthly| Work From Home Jobs 2022

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Happy Monday YouTube family I am back With another work from home job you can Make anywhere between two thousand seven Hundred and seventy three dollars to Four thousand one hundred sixty monthly Um as a medical record processing Specialist you will be processing Medical records requests before I give You the information again make for sure That you're watching the videos all the Way through because there are valuable Information in Um all of my videos to help you get Closer to Landing a work from home job And also I want to make an announcement To make to mark your calendar for December 2nd 2022 at seven o'clock P.M Central Standard time I am bringing back The guest Deborah H Swisher she is a Certified professional coder with over 30 years experience she's an instructor So if you ever wanted to become a Medical biller encoder from home then Make for sure you save the date for December 2nd 2022 at seven o'clock P.M Central Standard time so I am going to Go ahead and dive right into the job now We're talking about the company health Smart group again they're currently Seeking medical records processing Specialists to work from home this is a Full-time position according to Glassdoor the pay is between 16 and 24 Dollars per hour this is a entry level

Position and basically what you'll be Doing is processing medical records Requests so they're looking for someone That is a fast learner Dependable quick Worker team player positive attitude Someone who strives to do more and then On this job benefits it's included and To give you information about healthmark Group it is a leader in health Information management and Technology Focusing on serving the health Information management needs of Physician practice and Hospital Throughout the nation so we're going to Dive a little bit deeper in what you're Going to be doing here you're going to Have high volume and fast-paced Environment you're going to report Directly to the process manager you can Assist as needing over flooring Processing due to high volume issues Anal coverage issues you can assist as Needed in overflowing processing due to High volume issues in their coverage Issues you're going to provide feedback Regarding request volume and and you're Going to monitor incoming requests Received through various means and then General office duty here and when you go Down they do have benefits competitive Pay time off included paid holidays they Offer 401k plan often with employee Match as well as the health insurance Plan option with company coverage if

This sounds like something that you're Able to do then make for sure you go Ahead and apply today by going to my Right this is considered a Quick Car Application meaning it literally would Take you five minutes or less to Complete but you want to you know make Sure you're completing it right and then You hit the submit application now I'm Going to show you three things that you Can go and practice Um or learn more about medical records So before you say that you're not Qualified for the job make sure you go And check this out this go into details About electronic medical records it is a Great video to understand the process And what you're going to be doing in Medical records again this is perfect Like if you're a certified professional Coder or if you're trying to get into Medical billing this is the job that I Suggest you to start off with is medical Records processing where you're around ICD ICD-10 codes and you can get Familiar with those and then you can Work yourself up into medical billing And coding so make sure you go ahead and Check out this video and when you are Dealing with medical records um or Something like that you have to know how To type so make sure you go to and practice your Typing skills as well as your 10 key

Tests also you can go to And you can also check your type of Skills in a minute Um you can take advantage of their Typing courses if you're new or you need A refresher course I suggest you to go Here because again this is one skills That hiring managers recruiters are not Going to train you on you have to know How to type and if you practice every Day you'll get there here now I want to Leave some encouragement words with you Is again keep pushing keep applying Don't give up there is a job out there With your name on it okay but it starts With you you have to believe everything Starts in the mind If you speak negative over your life Negative things gonna happen but if you Speak positive things over your life Positive results is going to happen a Lot of times you're gonna have to apply For multiple positions there's people Have applied for 100 jobs a thousand Jobs people are hustling this because Everybody need a job everybody need a Side hustle so people are putting in the Work but if you put in the work you're Going to reap the benefits but you Cannot give up you cannot disqualify Yourself by saying they will not hire me I give you free places where you can go And learn this stuff you know knowledge Is power the more you know the more you

Grow so again you got to believe in Yourself don't be around people that is Speaking deaf over you telling you that You can't do it they're not going to Hire you you're not gonna get a job Those type of people are negative and if You stay around them you're going to be The way you are my my grandmother and my Aunt used to say misery love company Meaning that if they're miserable they Want you to be miserable too so you have To learn to surround yourself around People that are happy and not going to Disturb your peace and I always say um Like Bishop RC Blake go check out his YouTube channel and he talks about peace And I needed it at that particular time He said if you don't have peace you Ain't got nothing he said dogs don't Rob Rob you of your peace Furniture don't Rob you of your peace it's people and he Said people are not giving you peace you Gotta let it go so I suggest you to go Check out that video because it is a Word that you need to have is that you Have to surround yourself around people That is not going to irritate your Spirit your spirit and irritates you Where you're not being peaceful because That's not a living So in this world today we need more Peace you know we need more peace and we Need to surround yourself around people That about peace so keep pushing keep

Applying don't give up there is a job Out there with your name on it go out There and grab what is yours today okay Be patient you're next in line you're Close at the Finish Line okay now I am Going to talk about a great side hustle Side gig opportunity I always talk about Having a backup plan I believe in Multiple strains of mcom I always say Don't wait till the lights go off and You're trying to figure out what you're Gonna do okay it's great to have a job It's great it's really great but while You have your job you need to think of a Backup plan like one case if I go on This job and somehow I don't get my Paycheck or one case if I go on this job And they decide to lay everybody off What I'm gonna do or one case I go on This job and they just let me go because I don't fit in and they don't like me Because that can happen because it Happened to me always have a backup plan And say hey I'm going to have a business I want to have a business where I can Make enough money where I can pay my Bills and have at least two or three Thousand dollars left over until I get Paid the next following week or the next Following month and that is with Book Boat Book boat you can create low Content books like journals Diaries Coloring pages it's just too many to Name and you can make anywhere between a

Thousand to ten thousand a month Creating low content books but again you Have to put in the work that's what you Have to do you know there's a saying That in order to be successful you can't Take the elevator you got to take the Stairs you got to do the hard work so Make sure you go ahead and check this Out um you can live anywhere in the World you could be in the United States You could be out of the 90s United States and you can do this and the great Thing about bookboat is that you can Research the product before you actually Make it and see if it's sale and as well As you can can spy on your competitors To see what kind of keywords that They're using and Implement those in Your titles and description not the copy But to be expired Bookboat has upgraded they have a new Studio where they have cover creators Interior designs drag and drop editors Complete customization over a thousand Two hundred plus free fonts more than One million royalties free amp IM image Pattern scalables designs filter and Much more and again you're able to make Puzzle books activity books coloring Books 100 of low content Interiors where You can mix and match Interiors to Create unique books for your audience Y'all the holidays are coming up there Is so much that you can do you make a

Puzzle book you can make a recipe book You know like for the holidays for Thanksgiving a lot of people love to Cook and if they're like me I love to Write recipes down and keep so I mean It's perfect to get out here and make a Recipe book and put it on Amazon kdb or You can sell it on pay hip or send out Or your website or their free social Media platforms that you could promote It on and make a passive income okay now Anytime time that you are talking about A business opportunity there are pricing And I believe is very affordable you Have the Newbie 9.99 per month and you Have the 1999 per month which is pro the Only difference with the pro is you're Getting the puzzle creation software Included but if you use my coupon code Which is the rest is wet all in lower Case that information is in the YouTube Description bar you will receive 20 off The 9.99 per month and that is Lifetime Or if you choose the 1999 per month the Pro you receive 20 off of that and that Is Lifetime this is a win-win y'all you Have to have a backup plan stop Procrastinate and take action today Because these jobs are not promised Never go somewhere thinking that you're Not replaceable because you can be Furniture is replaceable clothes is Replaceable food is replaceable and Guess what you can be replaceable at any

Time and you want to have a backup plan One thing I've learned Um in Texas a couple years ago I want to Say 2020 where The lights went off because if it was Freezing and the light stayed off okay Some people's lights were off they Didn't have electricity that means they Didn't have a heater it was cold for Four days they were sitting in the house You know Cold versus some people like Where I live you know every hour you Know we had electricity it would go off In an hour we was in the cold and that's Something that I would never forget so That taught me to continue to prepare And plan we know that the holidays are Coming up and you're going to have Thanksgiving some of y'all going to Invite family friends over to your house You got a plan how many people are going To come what type of food I'm gonna have What kind of dessert I'm gonna have and Then what you do you you write it down You prepare you go out to the store and Purchase those items and that's the same Thing about Um having a business you have to have a Backup plan we all have a car you have a Spare in your spare tire in your car in Just in case if you have a flat you have A tire a spare tire to put on your car And take you to your destination so as a Cell phone everybody has a cell phone if

Their cell phones get ready to the Batteries get ready to die you have a Charger to charge it up that is a backup And we shouldn't be the same way when it Comes down to business you need to Always have a backup plan and leave a Legacy for your children and children Because again nothing is Promised things Can change at any time so never think Don't never get complacent get out there And build a legacy for your children Children and start a side hustle use the Job that you have now as a crutch to Invest in your business because again The more you know the more you grow Knowledge is power so go ahead and sign Up today once you sign up you can go Ahead and start creating low content Books today and upload them on Amazon Kdb okay and also don't forget to join My Facebook where you're around Like-minded people that are seeking work From home jobs are people are actually Getting hired on this Facebook group I'm Listing um multiple jobs on here you Know customer service non-phone work at Home job leads Um get into the group where you're Around people that are seeking work from Home jobs as well as people getting Hired also follow me on Instagram I'm on Instagram I put content in there so make Sure you follow me on there as well and Remember that this channel is all about

Non-phone work at home job leads that go Out every single day at 7 A.M Central Standard time so if you are looking for A work from home job where you're not Talking to customers on the phone you Have landed on the right channel Consider subscribing to the channel by Clicking on that red button and don't Forget to click on the Bell to turn on Your notifications so every time when I Upload new videos you'll be notified When I go Facebook and YouTube live you Will be notified as well and if you Would like to become a member of the YouTube channel or support the Channel All you have to do is click the join Button there is a short video explaining The benefits of becoming a member of the YouTube channel make for sure you check Out your community tab that is very Important that is where I engage with You when I upload new videos I post it In there as well as when I do pose I Post it in there as well as Um when I do uh quotes and ask you Questions I just want to get a chance to Know my audience a whole lot better so Make sure you go ahead and check out the Community tab as well and remember Don't disqualify yourself before you Apply for these jobs let the company do It you have to believe in yourself Because if you don't believe in yourself Nobody else will so go out there and

Grab what is yours today by applying for These jobs thank you so much for Watching and I will see you in the next Video

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